axandros / Metroidvania-Month-X

The unity project files for my entry to the Metroidvania Month 10 jam, themed Sci-Fi/Outer Space.
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The unity project files for my entry to the Metroidvania Month 10 jam, themed Sci-Fi/Outer Space.

You wake up alone on a space ship, given a notification by the central computer that you need to reactive the central processing unit. Your fellow crewmates are gone.


[ ] Bug: Walk enemy script does not turn around on collision with other enemies. They should. [ ] Player should be able to jump off of ladders. -- Should the player be locked to the ladder and need to jump off?

Potential Powerups Hazmat Work Suit C - Resistance/immunity to sparks (a damaging world effect associated with faulty equipment). Minor general damage resistance. Hazardous Defense Pistol - 3 shot burst PDW/SMG. Plasma Torch - repair some things, damage at short (2/3) range. Impact Saw - Opens sealed doors Gravity Boots - High Jump Air Tank - Access to 0 ozygen environments.

??? - Health Pickups. ??? - Health Tank.

-- Maybe? Rivet Gun