axe312ger / configuration-vault

My personal vault for configuration files. Has a fancy interactive cli based installer to install all apps you need after formatting with ease.
MIT License
6 stars 0 forks source link

Configuration Vault

This repo is intended to store all configs that contain all basics for a proper web developer workstation. All main system config files are kept in a single folder and repository. Version management for your workstation.

This started as an opinionated default config, currently it transforms to a somehow flexible solution. Contribution is very welcome.

Most of the bash-scripts are currently OS X only, the universal installer might be useful for any package manager. Let's see how it evolves.

This is not intended to overwrite any dotfiles in your home directory. When attaching an import statement to your original dotfile is not possible, it is renamed and replaced with a symlink into this repo.

So storing and version controlling all your system config shouldn't be a big hussle anymore.

Basic setup

  1. Clone this repo somewhere on your machine
  2. Have a look what the scripts are doing, it is WIP but mostly commented.
  3. Run $ ./ to setup minimal configurations.

Environment configuration

  1. Run $ ./ to setup and configure zsh including oh-my-zsh and the bullet-train theme with custom font & colorscheme.
  2. Run $ ./ to setup an extended git workflow with proper diffing, adding and hightlighting.
  3. Run $ ./ to install basic brew packages and tap brew casks
  4. Run $ ./ to setup nvm, install node and basic node packages
  5. Run $ ./ to install ruby with ruby on rails

Install packages and GUI software

  1. You can even install browser extensions and end user software from the appstore or brew casks. Run $ ./ to start the universe installer. See below for more informations.

Universe Installer

$ ./

Runs the universe installer. The idea is to provide an interactive form to select packages from several package managers. This includes npm, brew cask, browser extensions, the App Store and offers many more options.

It basically collects package names by user interaction and runs the corresponding CLI commands afterwards.

@ToDo: Add screen capture gif

Specific software hints

Configure iTerm

Here we need to do some stuff manually, luckily the config contains almost everything you need.

  1. Open iTerm 2
  2. Go To: Preferences > General
  3. Look for: Preferences
  4. Select `Load preferences from a custom folder or URL:
  5. Click Browse and select the iTerm folder within this repo.
  6. Install the Sauce Code Pro font, it is located within the iTerm folder.

Configure Sublime Text

  1. Install Package Control ->
  2. Install your packages. Automatism is coming soon!


Code and documentation is released under the MIT license. See here


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.