axelerant / typo3-importer

TYPO3 tt_news Importer for WordPress
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=== TYPO3 tt_news Importer ===

Contributors: comprock,saurabhd,subharanjan Donate link: Tags: typo3, import Requires at least: 3.9.2 Tested up to: 5.0.3 Stable tag: 2.3.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

TYPO3 tt_news Importer easily imports thousands of tt_news and tx_comments from TYPO3 into WordPress.

== Description ==

TYPO3 tt_news Importer brings your TYPO3 news, related media and comments into WordPress with minimal fuss. You can be as selective or open as you'd like for selecting which tt_news records to grab. Import can be interrupted and restarted later on.

Inline and related images will be added to the Media Library. The first image found is optionally set as the Featured Image for the post. Inline images will have their source URLs updated. If there's more than one related image, the [ gallery] shortcode is optionally inserted into the post.

= Filter Options =

= TYPO3 tt_news Importer Options =

TYPO3 Access

News Selection

Import Options

Testing Options



== Installation ==

= Requirements =

= Install Methods =

= Activation Options =

= Usage =

  1. Set TYPO3 access through WordPress Admin > Settings > TYPO3 tt_news Importer
  2. Import via WordPress Admin > Tools > TYPO3 tt_news Importer

= Upgrading =

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Most Common Issues =

= Still Stuck or Want Something Done? Get Support! =

  1. TYPO3 tt_news Importer Knowledge Base - read and comment upon frequently asked questions
  2. Open TYPO3 tt_news Importer Issues - review and submit bug reports and enhancement requests
  3. TYPO3 tt_news Importer Support on WordPress - ask questions and review responses
  4. Contribute Code to TYPO3 tt_news Importer
  5. Beta Testers Needed - get the latest TYPO3 tt_news Importer version

== Screenshots ==

  1. Where to find TYPO3 tt_news Importer in Tools
  2. TYPO3 tt_news Importer settings
  3. TYPO3 news entries being imported


== Changelog ==


== Upgrade Notice ==

= 0.1.0 =

== Notes ==


== Thank You ==

Current development by Axelerant.