axiezai / pipetography

Nipype and tractography!
Apache License 2.0
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diffusion-mri nipype tractography


Nipype and mrtrix3 based pre-/post- processing pipeline for brain diffusion-MRI and generation of structural connectomes of the brain.

CI docker

The pre-processing pipeline has been updated to reflect what's seen in the optimal DESIGNER pipeline and on mrtrix3 cloud apps on

The post-processing pipeline, including co-registration of atlases and connectome generation is now included in the connectomes module


Since most usages will be on HPC resources, I highly recommend that you use the Singularity definition file in the repository instead of installing the Python module.




Creating your own environment and install pipetography as a Python module:

pip install pipetography

Since pipetography is a Nipype wrapper around mrtrix3, ANTs, and FSL, you have to follow their installation instructions and set them up appropriately on your machine as well:

Everything listed in this section is included in the Singularity and Docker containers.

The pipeline:

Currently supports acquisitions with no reverse phase encoding (-rpe_none) and reverse phase encoding in all DWI directions (-rpe_all) options. See pipeline for preprocessing details, and connectomes for postprocessing details.