Closed solan-solan closed 11 months ago
Steps to Reproduce:
@solan-solan Maybe some more info will help to reproduce this issue.
@aismann There is Terrain class with the following code to update _udetailSize :
And the shader code to process this uniform (_terrainfs):
If this issue exists then you should observe the following thing after uniform updated on the core side:
u_detailSize[0]............... |.........................detailMapSize[0] 0...........................................|.........................detailMapSize[1] 0...........................................|.........................detailMapSize[2] 0...........................................|.........................detailMapSize[3] u_detailSize[1] 0 0 0 u_detailSize[2] 0 0 0 u_detailSize[3]
It means that v_texCoord should always equal vec(0,0) for _u_tex1, u_tex2, utex3 Check please cpptest, if you could see just one texture on the terrain and three simple spots ps I will do it a little later
I built cpp_test and can confirm the issue (for some reason there is no Content folder in the cpp_test in my rebaised repo).
Now, the picture in the first terrain test is:
If code will be changed to this:
The picture becomes:
The detailMapSize is float[4]
not vec3
confuse me
The detailMapSize is
confuse me
I known, array base element size is vec4, so float[4] layout equals to vec4[4]
And edit terrain.frag
, change float u_detailSize[4]
to vec4 u_detailSize
also solve this issue.
NOTE: float u_detailSize[4]
is bad to GLES3, so should be documented at 2.1 release notes, developer should avoid use it, because it will cost much GPU memory.
A possible compatible solution in base.glsl
#if !defined(GLES2)
#define vfloat_def(var, count) vec4 var[(count + 3) / 4]
#define vfloat_at(x,y) x[y/4][y%4]
#define vfloat_def(var,count) float var[count]
#define vfloat_at(x,y) x[y]
#version 310 es
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
#include "base.glsl"
layout(location = TEXCOORD0) in vec2 v_texCoord;
layout(location = NORMAL) in vec3 v_normal;
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D u_alphaMap;
layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D u_tex0;
layout(binding = 2) uniform sampler2D u_tex1;
layout(binding = 3) uniform sampler2D u_tex2;
layout(binding = 4) uniform sampler2D u_tex3;
layout(binding = 5) uniform sampler2D u_lightMap;
layout(std140) uniform fs_ub {
int u_has_alpha;
int u_has_light_map;
vfloat_def(u_detailSize, 4);
vec3 u_lightDir;
layout(location = SV_Target0) out vec4 FragColor;
void main()
vec4 lightColor;
lightColor = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
lightColor = texture(u_lightMap,v_texCoord);
float lightFactor = dot(-u_lightDir,v_normal);
FragColor = texture(u_tex0, v_texCoord)*lightColor*lightFactor;
vec4 blendFactor =texture(u_alphaMap,v_texCoord);
vec4 color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
color = texture(u_tex0, v_texCoord*vfloat_at(u_detailSize, 0))*blendFactor.r +
texture(u_tex1, v_texCoord*vfloat_at(u_detailSize, 1))*blendFactor.g + texture(u_tex2, v_texCoord*vfloat_at(u_detailSize, 2))*blendFactor.b
+ texture(u_tex3, v_texCoord*vfloat_at(u_detailSize, 3))*(1.0 - blendFactor.a);
FragColor = vec4(color.rgb*lightColor.rgb*lightFactor, 1.0);
It is good idea about macroses, but definition should look something like this to my understand:
t_def(var, count) vec4 var[count/4 + 1 ]
And the following for vec3 which also should be taking in account:
t_def(var, count) vec4 var[(count*3)/4 + 1 ]
vvec3_at(x,y) x[(y*3)/4][(y*3)%4]
It is good idea about macroses, but definition should look something like this to my understand:
t_def(var, count) vec4 var[count/4 + 1 ]
should be #define vfloat_def(var, count) vec4 var[(count + 3) / 4]
#define vfloat_at(x,y) x[y/4][y%4]
is correct:
vvec3_at(x,y,z) x[(y*3)/4][((y*3)%4) + z]
It is needed to pass vec3 index explicitly as z to allow byte manner access
This approach unfortunately should not work since z will step from one vec4 to another one time(
May be such, but I could check it now
vvec3_at(x,y,z) x[(y*3+z)/4][((y*3+z)%4)]
vvec2 also require?
Yes, each array has alignment on its base element size and stride equal to vec4 size
And, apple metal not working both original code
or use vxxx_def
, no idea yet, EDIT: confirmed, bug of glslcc: #1520
#if !defined(GLES2)
# define vfloat_def(x, y) vec4 x[(y + 3) / 4]
# define vfloat_at(x, y) x[y / 4][y % 4]
# define vvec2_def(x, y) vec4 x[(y * 2 + 3) / 4]
# define vvec2_at(x, y) vec2(x[(y / 2)][y % 2], x[(y / 2)][y % 2 + 1])
# define vvec3_def(x, y) vec4 x[(y * 3 + 3) / 4]
# define vvec3_at(x, y) vec3(x[(y / 3)][y % 3], x[(y / 3)][y % 3 + 1], x[(y / 3)][y % 3 + 2])
# define vfloat_def(x, y) float x[y]
# define vfloat_at(x, y) x[y]
# define vvec2_def(x, y) vec2 x[y]
# define vvec2_at(x, y) x[y]
# define vvec3_def(x, y) vec3 x[y]
# define vvec3_at(x, y) x[y]
@halx99 Looks good, but how vvec3_at supposed to work? What if I want to get vec3[1].x which should be at the vec4[0].w?
vec3(x[(1 / 3)][1 % 3], ...) == vec3(x[0][1], ...) == vec3(vec4[0].y, ... )
x[(y3)/4][((y3)%4) + z]
I checked, vvec3_at both x[(y * 3) / 4][((y * 3) % 4) + z]
, x[(y * 3 + z) / 4][((y * 3 + z) % 4)]
correct, test code
typedef float vec2[2];
typedef float vec3[3];
typedef float vec4[4];
#if !defined(GLES2)
# define vfloat_def(x, y) vec4 x[(y + 3) / 4]
# define vfloat_at(x, y) x[y / 4][y % 4]
# define vvec2_def(x, y) vec4 x[(y * 2 + 3) / 4]
# define vvec2_at(x, y, z) x[(y / 2)][y % 2 * 2 + z]
# define vvec3_def(x, y) vec4 x[(y * 3 + 3) / 4]
# define vvec3_at(x, y, z) x[(y * 3) / 4][((y * 3) % 4) + z]
# define vvec3_at2(x, y, z) x[(y * 3 + z) / 4][((y * 3 + z) % 4)]
# define vfloat_def(x, y) float x[y]
# define vfloat_at(x, y) x[y]
# define vvec2_def(x, y) vec2 x[y]
# define vvec2_at(x, y, z) x[y][z]
# define vvec3_def(x, y) vec3 x[y]
# define vvec3_at(x, y, z) x[y][z]
int main()
vvec2_def(vec2_points, 20);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
vvec2_at(vec2_points, i, 0) = 100 * i + 1; // vec2.x
vvec2_at(vec2_points, i, 1) = 100 * i + 2; // vec2.y
vvec3_def(vec3_points, 20);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
vvec3_at(vec3_points, i, 0) = 100 * i + 1; // vec3.x
vvec3_at(vec3_points, i, 1) = 100 * i + 2; // vec3.y
vvec3_at(vec3_points, i, 2) = 100 * i + 3; // vec3.z
vvec3_def(vec3_points2, 20);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
vvec3_at2(vec3_points2, i, 0) = 100 * i + 1; // vec3.x
vvec3_at2(vec3_points2, i, 1) = 100 * i + 2; // vec3.y
vvec3_at2(vec3_points2, i, 2) = 100 * i + 3; // vec3.z
printf("vec3 points: \n");
for (auto& v : vec3_points) {
printf("%g,", v[0]);
printf("%g,", v[1]);
printf("%g,", v[2]);
printf("%g,", v[3]);
bool verifiy_success = memcmp(vec3_points, vec3_points2, sizeof(vec3_points)) == 0;
std::cout << "verify vvec3_at vvec3_at2 result: " << verifiy_success << "\n";
I do not know how vvec3_at would work on the real device, since: vec3[1].y == x[(1 3) / 4][((1 3) % 4) + 1] == x[0][4] which overrides vec4. vvec3_at2 gives x[1][0] which looks more safe
I do not know how vvec3_at would work on the real device, since: vec3[1].y == x[(1 3) / 4][((1 3) % 4) + 1] == x[0][4] which overrides vec4. vvec3_at2 gives x[1][0] which looks more safe
refer finally edition:
@solan-solan Please help review #1523
I started to port shaders in my project from gles 1 to gles 3 and stuck with the similar issue For example stride between elements inside float array will equal sizeof(vec4) if this array declared with std140. Sorry, I can't check testcpp right now, but there are some arrays like _pointLightUniformRangeInverseValues which simply pass to the uniform block. Can someone confirm that they are handled properly?
Ps. I chose to do all arrays with vec4 base type if they intended for shader to minimize calculation on the core side