Thanks so much for signing up for our private beta! If you aren't on the waitlist you can join here.
This is our first released service, and we are so excited to hear what you think. Here's a few links to help get you started:
You can sign up here. This will sign you up for our free plan. If you are interested in exploring more functionality you can switch to the "paid" plan- you'll need to enter credit card details, but we won't charge you while the product is in beta. If you have any worries or questions about this, reach out!
Using axo Releases is as easy as adding a single line to your cargo-dist configuration (docs here!). If you aren't familiar with cargo-dist, you can get started here. If you are looking for an example project to play with you can always fork our axolotlsay project.
We've set up a bunch of spots for you to get help and give us all the feedback:
Happy shipping! 🚀🚀🚀
ag_dubs and the axodotdev team