axsh / netjoin

A CLI to allows you to specify and build a VPN network layout. Using the CLI you can servers and clients to a database file which will later be used to set up the VPN network.
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Netjoin is a toolset to allow users to create VPN networks as they need.

Disclaimer : This CLI does not maintain the VPN network once it has been set up!

The first version only works with the Linux clients and the OpenVPN.


Netjoin creates KVM instances on a given physical host. At least one network interface of the KVM instance should be accessible to the Internet. Netjoin requires iptables and ip forward are already configured.


$ cd /path/to/repo
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle --standalone
$ PATH=/path/to/repo/bin:$PATH

How to use

Create a working directory.

$ mkdir /path/to/your/work_dir

Initialize netjoin.

$ cd /path/to/your/work_dir
$ netjoin init

netjoin init generates the following files:

Edit the files then hit the following.

$ netjoin up


Netjoin uses keys/insecure_vpn.key as the default vpn key if nothing is specified in netjoin_config.yml. If you want to prepare your own credentials for VPN networks, This tutorial of EasyRSA gives you a simple yet clear way to create required credentials.