vAssistant is a virtual assistant written in python, which supports modules in virtually any programming language.
For developing your own Modules, you only need:
the assistant has only been tested on Arch linux and Ubuntu, Windows and MacOS support might be limited
you will first have to install the dependencies:
pip3 install SpeechRecognition pydub
pip3 install gtts
pip3 install jq
pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0
sudo pacman -S python-pyaudio
sudo pacman -S python-gtts
sudo pacman -S python-recode
sudo pacman -S golang-go
sudo pacman -S playerctl
after that, you clone the repository and run the installer script
git clone
cd vAssistant
Install the dependcies:
pip3 install SpeechRecognition pydub
pip3 install gtts
pip3 install jq
pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0
sudo apt install python3-pyaudio -y
sudo apt install python3-gtts -y
sudo apt install recode -y
sudo apt install golang-go -y
sudo apt install playerctl -y
after that, you clone the repository and run the installer script
git clone
cd vAssitant
You can launch the assistant( from the terminal:
Or, you put the in your autostart and then log out, and back in. The assistant will be started on login after that.
The assitant uses for it's google search tuxi for the online search, which uses Google, if you know any alternatives to tuxi, that use duckduckgo or something similiar, i'd greatly accept it! the Stock and in-browser search however use duckduckgo as it's search engine
The assistant also uses google's tts, speech recognition and translator, as they proved to work the best
The Modules are(on Linux) in ~/.local/share/vAssistant/
The Sounds (also on Linux) are in ~/.local/share/vAssistant/sounds/
When developing your own Modules, make sure that you're not obstructing the recognizier for other modules
the text to speech is a bit slow on ubuntu, this will probably be fixed in the next merge some dependencies might be called different depending on what repositories you use, so if the assistant isn't working correctly, just check if everything is installed properly
I will happily accept any tests/installation guides for other Linux distributions/Windows/MacOS