aydinnyunus / WhatsappBOT

Send messages to any person in any time how much you want.
423 stars 104 forks source link
bot gui python python-3 python-selenium python3 selenium selenium-python selenium-tests selenium-webdriver tkinter tkinter-graphic-interface tkinter-gui tkinter-library tkinter-python whatsapp whatsapp-api whatsapp-bot whatsapp-chat whatsapp-web

WhatsappBOT :robot:

How to run the project? :thinking:

Directory Tree :cactus:

├── birthdays.json
├── chromedriver
├── executable
│   ├── 9022c3da331305796ded3dda4c619df0.png
│   ├── GZd3Pv.png
│   └── test
├── geckodriver
├── images
│   ├── GZd3Pv.png
│   ├── Main.jpeg
│   ├── Option1.jpeg
│   ├── Option1R.jpeg
│   ├── Option2.jpeg
│   ├── Option3.jpeg
│   └── Option4.jpeg
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
└── WhatsappBot.py

2 directories, 16 files

ScreenShot :camera_flash:

1). This is the Main Page of the application. First Option provides send as many messages as you want to a person.


2). This is the Second Option. This provides send message in specific month and day. You can add all of your relationships in the input part. Input part saves input in the birthday.json and you run the program it's control the dates and if it matches, bot send it.


3). Third Option: If you want send one message many person, you should choice this option. Example: In important days like holidays and feasts. You need to enter message and phone number here.


4). Fourth Option: This option provides if you busy with your job and forget send important message to anyone. Just use it set hour and seconds just like 12:00.


Bug / Feature Request :man_technologist:

If you find a bug (the application couldn't handle the query and / or gave undesired results), kindly open an issue here by including your search query and the expected result.

If you'd like to request a new function, feel free to do so by opening an issue here. Please include sample queries and their corresponding results.

It is my first application with GUI.Thank you !.

Connect with me! 🌐