Open netanelravid opened 4 years ago
When I execute
kubectl debug _POD_NAME_ -n NAMESPACE --context CONTEXT
I got the error below:
error execute remote, error sending request: Post http://_IP_ADDR_:10027/api/v1/debug?command=%5B%22bash%22%5D&container=docker%3A%2F%2Fa95401d91078b5f82deaa5d46b7f785e7114ac26d48fc0e96cd66b1d7ff16f16&image=nicolaka%2Fnetshoot%3Alatest: dial tcp _IP_ADDR_:10027: connect: no route to host
While I receive a shell when I execute:
kubectl exec -it _POD_NAME_ -n NAMESPACE --context CONTEXT sh
When I execute
I got the error below:
While I receive a shell when I execute: