ayn2op / discordo

A lightweight, secure, and feature-rich Discord terminal client.
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Do I need to run an installer to get the config.toml file? #184

Closed slashdottir closed 2 years ago

slashdottir commented 2 years ago

I am running the app from source on OSX and not finding this file in any of the prescribed locations.

Can someone share a default config.toml I can install?

In particular, I'm trying to figure out the setting that will let me set the "Home" key (in re: https://github.com/ayntgl/discordo/issues/173)

Thank you very much

ghost commented 2 years ago

A default configuration file is created on first start-up at $HOME/.config/discordo/config.toml on Unix, $HOME/Library/Application Support/discordo/config.toml on Darwin, and %AppData%/discordo/config.toml on Windows. You can configure the default configuration path using the config command-line flag.

slashdottir commented 2 years ago

@ayntgl - thank you, running the config command seems to have created it.

slashdottir commented 2 years ago

Hmmm, Ctrl+H isn't actually working after setting it and restarting. It seems the app only loads a small batch of messages and you can't scroll up beyond that. Understandable I guess because the channel in question is heavily used channel with 90 thousand messages in it as of today.

[keys] toggle_guilds_list = "Rune[g]" toggle_channels_tree_view = "Rune[c]" toggle_messages_text_view = "Rune[m]" toggle_message_input_field = "Rune[i]" open_message_actions_list = "Rune[a]" open_external_editor = "Ctrl+E" select_previous_message = "Up" select_next_message = "Down" select_first_message = "Ctrl+H" select_last_message = "End" ~

no idea what "Rune" is, but I appreciate what you are doing and it must be overwhelming. Wish for a wiki and/or FAQ

ghost commented 2 years ago

It seems the app only loads a small batch of messages and you can't scroll up beyond that. Understandable I guess because the channel in question is heavily used channel with 90 thousand messages in it as of today.

The application loads 50 messages by default which is also default behavior of the official client. The limit can be changed from the configuration file using the messages_limit field; furthermore, the maximum limit of messages that will be fetched is 100.

no idea what "Rune" is, but I appreciate what you are doing and it must be overwhelming.

The Go language defines the word rune as an alias for the type int32, so programs can be clear when an integer value represents a code point. For characters (though there is distinction between a character and rune), you have to wrap them in Rune[x], where x is any character.

slashdottir commented 2 years ago

thank you for such detailed answers!

slashdottir commented 2 years ago

So, that suggests the max message limit of 100 means you can't jump to the first message in a channel unless the channel has less than 101 messages in it.