Discordo is a lightweight, secure, and feature-rich Discord terminal client. Heavily work-in-progress, expect breaking changes.
You can download and install a prebuilt binary here for Windows, macOS, or Linux.
Arch Linux: yay -S discordo-git
FreeBSD: pkg install discordo
or via the ports system make -C /usr/ports/net-im/discordo install clean
NixOS: nix-shell -p discordo
Windows (Scoop):
scoop bucket add vvxrtues https://github.com/vvirtues/bucket
scoop install discordo
git clone https://github.com/ayn2op/discordo
cd discordo
go build .
or xsel
for X11 (apt install xclip
for Wayland (apt install wl-clipboard
executable with no arguments.If you are logging in using an authentication token, provide the
command-line flag to the executable (eg:--token "OTI2MDU5NTQxNDE2Nzc5ODA2.Yc2KKA.2iZ-5JxgxG-9Ub8GHzBSn-NJjNg"
). The token is stored securely in the default OS-specific keyring.
The configuration file allows you to configure and customize the behavior, keybindings, and theme of the application.
or $HOME/.config/discordo/config.toml
$HOME/Library/Application Support/discordo/config.toml
The default configuration can be found here.
Automated user accounts or "self-bots" are against Discord's Terms of Service. I am not responsible for any loss caused by using "self-bots" or Discordo.