az-digital / az-quickstart-pantheon

Integrated-composer Pantheon upstream for Arizona Quickstart websites.
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Arizona Quickstart Composer-enabled Pantheon Upstream

This upstream is adapted from Pantheon's standard Drupal 9 upstream and works with the Platform's Integrated Composer build process.

Unlike with earlier Pantheon upstreams (e.g. the UA Quickstart Drupal 7 upstream), files such as Drupal Core that you are unlikely to adjust while building sites are not in the main branch of the repository. Instead, they are referenced as dependencies that are installed by Composer.

For more information and detailed installation guides, please visit the Integrated Composer Pantheon documentation:

This upstream is maintained by Campus Web Services in collaboration with the Arizona Digital team and it tracks the latest stable release of Arizona Quickstart.

Useful links to Pantheon Documentation.

Note about installing Drupal

Because Quickstart is a relatively large install profile, we recommend performing the site install (Drupal installation) via drush (and terminus) to avoid installation problems that can be encountered when performing an interactive/web install (via install.php) due to Pantheon's strict web request timeout configuration.

Below is an example drush command that can be executed with terminus to install Quickstart on a Pantheon site. Note that these commands put the site in SFTP mode before performing the installation.

terminus -y -n connection:set sftp
terminus -y -n drush -- \
  site:install az_quickstart \
  --account-name="azadmin" \
  --account-mail="" \
  --site-mail="" \
  --site-name="My Site Name" \
  --yes \

(Replace my-site with actual Pantheon site name and modify account name, emails, and site name as desired)

Upstream Settings (settings.upstream.php)

This file (settings.upstream.php) is included to add upstream-wide configuration to all sites using the upstream. It is strongly suggested that you not delete or modify this file as it may cause reliability issues with your site. If site-specific configuration is needed, please use settings.php.

What is in settings.upstream.php

The settings.upstream.php file in the Arizona Quickstart Composer-enabled Pantheon Upstream includes a variety of important configurations designed to optimize the performance, security, and reliability of Drupal sites on the Pantheon platform. This file is maintained by the upstream maintainers (Arizona Digital) and should not be modified by individual site administrators. Site-specific changes should be made in the settings.php file.

Key features and configurations included in settings.upstream.php:

Updating Quickstart 2 on Pantheon via the command line.


Each of the following steps has a counterpart within either the Pantheon Dashboard or the Quickstart administration user interface.

Step 1: Apply upstream updates to the dev environment.

When new upstream updates are released, dev or multi-dev environments should be eligible to accept them.

Important: Always create a backup before running database updates or importing distribution updates.

terminus backup:create <sitename>.<environment>

Check if there are upstream updates available.

 terminus upstream:updates:status <sitename>.<environment>

If outdated, list the available updates.

 terminus upstream:updates:list <sitename>.<environment>

Apply the upstream updates to the environment.

 terminus upstream:updates:apply <sitename>.<environment>

Step 2: Update the database.

Once your site's codebase is up to date, it is important to run database updates and distribution updates.

Updating the database can be done via the command line:

terminus drush <sitename>.<environment> -- updatedb

Important: Always ensure your site is set on the correct strategy for importing distribution updates. For Quickstart, it is recommended to use the merge strategy when importing distribution updates, which can be set via drush, or within the Admin UI.

It is advisable that you familiarize yourself with the functionality of the Config Distro module to get the most out of Quickstart.

terminus drush <sitename>.<environment> -- -y state:set config_sync.update_mode 1 --input-format=integer

Importing distribution updates can be done via the command line:

terminus drush <sitename>.<environment> -- config-distro-update

Step 3: Test and apply updates to test and live.

Now that you've successfully updated your site, you can also deploy to test and live from the command line.

Important: Always create a backup before running database updates or importing distribution updates.

For test:

terminus backup:create <sitename>.test
terminus env:deploy <sitename>.test --updatedb --sync-content
terminus drush <sitename>.test -- -y state:set config_sync.update_mode 1 --input-format=integer
terminus drush <sitename>.test -- config-distro-update

Optionally add new permissions from the upstream onto the az_quickstart managed roles:

terminus drush <sitename>.test -- az-core-config-add-permissions -y

For live:

terminus backup:create <sitename>.live
terminus env:deploy <sitename>.live --updatedb
terminus drush <sitename>.live -- -y state:set config_sync.update_mode 1 --input-format=integer
terminus drush <sitename>.live -- config-distro-update

Optionally add new permissions from the upstream onto the az_quickstart managed roles:

terminus drush <sitename>.live -- az-core-config-add-permissions -y

Determining whether the Quickstart 1 to Quickstart 2 migration path is viable for your site.

When tasked with migrating a Quickstart 1 site to a Quickstart 2 site these are the steps:

Find the source site machine name. Find the destination site machine name.

Double check that the source site and destination sites exist in Pantheon and have a live site environment associated with them.

terminus env:view <>
terminus env:view <>

Once you've determined that a site is truly eligible to be migrated, follow these steps.

Running migrations from Drupal 7 or UA Quickstart site downloaded from Pantheon, to Drupal 9 Arizona Quickstart site downloaded from Pantheon

NOTE: The lando migrate-setup-from-pantheon command requires that a site exists on Pantheon, since it uses terminus to find site variables on the source site.

From the parent directory where you want to create your local copy of the destination site on Pantheon.

mkdir <destinationsitename> && cd "$_"
lando init --source pantheon

This starts the interactive site creation tool that allows you to choose your destination site from a list of sites created on Pantheon.

The next step is to start lando. After which you can go to one of the listed URLs upon success

lando start

Now if you run lando You should have more than just the defaults from the pantheon config. Particularly, these two:

  // lando migrate-db-import <file>     YOU MUST RUN LANDO PULL FIRST Imports a migration site dump file into a database service
  // lando migrate-setup-from-pantheon  Runs migrate-setup-from-pantheon commands

The next step is to use Lando to pull the destination site locally from the site that you created on Pantheon. (Typically you'll want to get the live db and files, and dev codebase.) If they do not yet exist on Pantheon, Feel free to enable those environments for your destination site now.

lando pull -d live -f live -c none

Then install composer dependencies

lando composer update

Now we can use the Lando tooling to set up our site to migrate locally instead of over http, which is much faster.

NOTE: This step overrides the migrate database config that exists in

lando migrate-setup-from-pantheon -s <sourcesitename.env>

NOTE: The migrate-setup-from-pantheon command executes a script included with this repository.

Then import the resulting database dump file into the newly created (by the script) migrate database

lando migrate-db-import database.sql.gz

OK, we finally have all of the files we need now, so it is time to start migration

First thing I will do is check the migration status of either the az_migration_group, or the group I would like to import

lando drush ms --group=az_migration
lando drush mim --group=az_migration

Once the migrations are completed, you can push the files and database, but not the code back to dev, but first check the migration status.

Check the migration status.

lando drush ms --group=az_migration >

Note: we are not pushing code up at this time, because we don't want to add our settings.php changes back to Pantheon.

lando push -c none -d dev -f dev

Open the dev site when the push is complete, and do a spot check

terminus env:view <destinationsitename.env>

Always make a backup if overwriting live

terminus backup:create <>

If all looks good, go ahead and deploy your migration to another environment, overwriting that environment’s database and files.

terminus env:clone-content <> <target_env> --cc -y

Check the destination site.

terminus env:view <>

Clean up

Once your migration is complete, you can delete the source migrate database config from your sites web/sites/default/settings.php file.

This can be done with git checkout as seen below.

git checkout master web/sites/default/settings.php