azavea / climate-change-lab

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Requires node.js 6.11+ and yarn 0.24.0+ for Angular CLI compatibility.

Alternatively, you can bring up the vagrant VM that has the dependencies installed.


If your development host machine meets the requirements above, simply:

The site will then be available at http://localhost:4200 on your host machine.

Setting up constants.ts

For users who don't have access to our internal configuration file, you can create your own with the following steps:

Setup via Vagrant VM

Recommended only if you don't have the requirements above installed on your host system and are unable to install. If you do, strongly consider instructions in #Setup instead.

Requires ansible 2.2+.

To use the vagrant machine, first start and provision it with:


Then to start the development server within the VM:

vagrant ssh
./scripts/server --vm # Replaces `npm run serve` to include VM specific serve options

The site will then be available at http://localhost:4200 on your host machine.

within the environment (host or VM) before running other build scripts in that environment.

Getting started

Command Purpose Use When ...
scripts/update Update project dependencies
scripts/server Serve project in dev mode using Angular CLI For quick browser updating with refresh
scripts/test Run project tests
scripts/console Run commands inside of a container
scripts/cibuild Build production version of application Before deploying
scripts/infra Apply terraform changes and deploy static site When ready to deploy

Navigate to http://localhost:4200 in your browser.

Additional commands available in package.json.


First, build the application via scripts/cibuild. The static site will be built in the dist/_site directory.

Before publishing, ensure the correct apiHost is set for the target environment in src/app/constants.ts (staging host, or production).

Push changes to the staging site with docker-compose:

# staging
$ export CC_SETTINGS_BUCKET=staging-us-east-1-climate-lab-config
$ export CC_SITE_BUCKET=staging-us-east-1-climate-lab-site
# OR production
$ export CC_SETTINGS_BUCKET=production-us-east-1-climate-lab-config
$ export CC_SITE_BUCKET=production-us-east-1-climate-lab-site
# Plan and push changes
$ docker-compose -f run --rm terraform scripts/infra plan
$ docker-compose -f run --rm terraform scripts/infra apply