azavea / vagrant-cartodb

Ansible role to build a multi-machine vagrant setup for CartoDB
Apache License 2.0
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Ansible role to build a vagrant-based development box for CartoDB

Getting started

Before running vagrant up, do the following:

Install dependencies

On your host machine, install:

Clone CartoDB

Clone the CartoDB repo to ../cartodb:

git clone --recursive ../cartodb

If this path is already in use for some reason, you can clone the repo elsewhere, and set the CARTODB_SRC_DIR env variable before running vagrant up.

Note to OS X users

The stock version of git for OS X El Capitan, 2.7.4 (Apple Git-66), behaves differently when recursively cloning repositories than other versions of git. This can result in the submodules being created using absolute paths internally, which will prevent the Vagrant environment from provisioning correctly. To avoid this, clone the repository and the submodules separately as two steps:

(git clone ../cartodb && cd ../cartodb && git submodule update --init --recursive)

Copy configuration

Copy the template group vars file:

cp ansible/group_vars/all.example ansible/group_vars/all

Update hosts file

Add the following entries in your hosts file to point to the VM: development.localhost.lan commondata.localhost.lan localhost.lan

If planning on using the organization account, you'll also need to add the following to your hosts file: test.localhost.lan test-admin.localhost.lan test-1.localhost.lan test-2.localhost.lan test-3.localhost.lan test-4.localhost.lan test-5.localhost.lan

Using the VM

Run vagrant up, wait for the machine to provision, then navigate to http://development.localhost.lan/login and login with:

Services in the VM

The cartodb services (unicorn, resque, sql api, windshaft) are controlled via upstart. The service names are:


sudo service cartodb_server restart
sudo service cartodb_resque_worker restart WORKERNUM=1
sudo service cartodb_windshaft stop

Configuring the VM

Vagrant configuration

The following ENV variables are available. They should be set before a vagrant up.

Ansible configuration

All ansible configuration options can be set via variables in ansible/group_vars/all

If you would like to use a different tag of the cartodb repo, be sure to change the associated versions of the sql api and windshaft in ansible/group_vars/all

Ensure you reprovision after making any changes to the ansible settings.


Data Library doesn't load on the dashboard

If for some reason after provision, the data library in the development account does not load when you first navigate to your dashboard, try executing:

cd /opt/cartodb && bundle exec rake cartodb:remotes:reload['development']

inside the VM. Then navigate back to your dashboard once the rake task completes.