Rudimentary admin client for the azlibrary_api. Meant primarily for testing.
There's a lot of infrastructure here, but it all comes down to the form.html file in client/v1/collections. The rest is just express fluff that could be useful for a more featured client.
The form.html file uses Vue.js.
Usage: app [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --port <port> Port to listen on (default: 4000)
-l, --loglevel <loglevel> Indicates logging level (error, warn,
info, verbose, debug, silly). Default is
info. (default: "info")
-s, --servicelevel <servicelevel> Indicates service level (prod, stage,
dev). Default is prod. (default: "prod")
-h, --https <https> Indicates whether to use https (true,
false). Default is false. (default:
-h, --help output usage information
This application is deployed as a systemd service and can be controlled via:
$ systemctl start azlibrary_webclient.service
$ systemctl stop azlibrary_webclient.service
$ systemctl restart azlibrary_webclient.service