aziz / BetterFindBuffer

Adds a couple of missing features to SublimeText 3 Find Results buffer
MIT License
107 stars 31 forks source link

BetterFindBuffer for SublimeText 3

Adds a couple of missing features to SublimeText Find Results buffer.

Note: You need to restart your SublimeText after installing this plugin.


BetterFindBuffer Screenshot1

BetterFindBuffer Screenshot2


You can install via Sublime Package Control Or you can clone this repo into your Sublime Text Packages folder.

Changing color scheme

If you don't like colors used in the find results buffer just copy this file to your User folder, change colors and save it and then create a file called Find Results.sublime-settings in your User folder and paste the code below:

  "color_scheme": "Path to your custom color scheme file. e.g. Packages/User/Custom_FindResults.hidden-tmTheme",

Alternatively, you can use BetterFindBuffer-Designer tool as GUI to easily customize the Find-Results color scheme.


FindInFilesOpenFileCommand is inspired by this answer on StackOverflow


See the LICENSE file