b-cubed-eu / indicator-uncertainty

Scripts to explore calculation, interpretation and visualisation of uncertainty related to indicators based on biodiversity data cubes
MIT License
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biodiversity-indicators data-cubes r rstats uncertainty-quantification uncertainty-visualisation

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Investigate indicator uncertainty

Langeraert, WardORCID logo[^aut][^cre][^INBO] Dove, ShawnORCID logo[^aut][^JLU] Van Daele, ToonORCID logo[^aut][^INBO] Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)[^cph] European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme (ID No 101059592)^fnd

[^cph]: copyright holder

[^cre]: contact person [^INBO]: Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88 PO Box 73, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium [^JLU]: Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen (JLU), Ludwigstrasse 23, 35390 Giessen, Germany

keywords: uncertainty quantification; uncertainty visualisation; biodiversity indicators; data cubes


Scripts to explore calculation, interpretation and visualisation of uncertainty related to indicators based on biodiversity data cubes.

This code is developed in context of T5.4 of the B-Cubed project.

Repo structure

├── source                         ├ R markdown files
│   └── R                          ├ R scripts
├── data
│   ├── raw                        ├ store raw data
│   ├── intermediate               ├ store intermediate data
│   └── processed                  ├ store processed data
├── checklist.yml                  ├ options checklist package (https://github.com/inbo/checklist)
├── organisation.yml               ├ organisation info (https://inbo.github.io/checklist/articles/organisation.html)
├── inst
│   └── en_gb.dic                  ├ dictionary with words that should not be checked by the checklist package
├── .github                        │ 
│   ├── workflows                  │ 
│   │   └── checklist_project.yml  ├ GitHub repo settings
│   ├── CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md         │ 
│   └── CONTRIBUTING.md            │
├── indicator-uncertainty.Rproj    ├ R project
├── README.md                      ├ project description
├── LICENSE.md                     ├ licence
├── LICENSE                        │
├── CITATION.cff                   ├ citation info
├── .zenodo.json                   ├ zenodo metadata
└── .gitignore                     ├ files to ignore