b-harvest / Canto

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Becoming A Validator

How to validate on the Canto Mainnet


Genesis file Published Peers list Published

Hardware Requirements



Operating System:

Install dependencies

If using Ubuntu:

Install all dependencies:

sudo snap install go --classic && sudo apt-get install git && sudo apt-get install gcc && sudo apt-get install make

Or install individually:

If using Arch Linux:

Install cantod

Clone git repository

git clone https://github.com/Canto-Network/Canto.git
cd Canto/cmd/cantod
go install -tags ledger ./...
sudo mv $HOME/go/bin/cantod /usr/bin/

Generate and store keys

Replace <keyname> below with whatever you'd like to name your key.

Store a backup of your keys and mnemonic securely offline.

Then save the generated public key config in the main Canto directory as <key_name>.info. It should look like this:

pubkey: {
  "@type":" ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey",

You'll use this file later when creating your validator txn.

Set up validator

Install cantod binary from Canto directory:

sudo make install

Initialize the node. Replace <moniker> with whatever you'd like to name your validator.

cantod init <moniker> --chain-id canto_7700-1

If this runs successfully, it should dump a blob of JSON to the terminal.

Download the Genesis file:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Canto-Network/Canto/genesis/Networks/Mainnet/genesis.json -P $HOME/.cantod/config/

_Note: If you later get Error: couldn't read GenesisDoc file: open /root/.cantod/config/genesis.json: no such file or directory put the genesis.json file wherever it wants instead, such as:

sudo wget https://github.com/Canto-Network/Canto/raw/main/Mainnet/genesis.json -P/root/.cantod/config/

Edit the minimum-gas-prices in ${HOME}/.cantod/config/app.toml:

sed -i 's/minimum-gas-prices = "0acanto"/minimum-gas-prices = "0.0001acanto"/g' $HOME/.cantod/config/app.toml

Add persistent peers to $HOME/.cantod/config/config.toml: sed -i 's/persistent_peers = ""/persistent_peers = "ec770ae4fd0fb4871b9a7c09f61764a0b010b293@"/g' $HOME/.cantod/config/config.toml

Set cantod to run automatically

Description=Canto Node

ExecStart=/root/go/bin/cantod start --trace --log_level info --json-rpc.api eth,txpool,net,debug,web3 --api.enable


Start the node

Reload the service files:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Create the symlinlk:

sudo systemctl enable cantod.service

Start the node:

sudo systemctl start cantod && journalctl -u cantod -f

You should then get several lines of log files and then see: No addresses to dial. Falling back to seeds module=pex server=node

This is an indicator things thus far are working and now you need to create your validator txn. ^c out and follow the next steps.

Create Validator Transaction

Modify the following items below, removing the <>

cantod tx staking create-validator \
--from <KEY_NAME> \
--chain-id canto_7700-1 \
--moniker="<VALIDATOR_NAME>" \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--commission-max-rate=1.0 \
--commission-rate=0.05 \
--details="<DESCRIPTION>" \
--security-contact="<SECURITY_CONTACT_EMAIL>" \
--website="<YOUR_WEBSITE>" \
--pubkey $(cantod tendermint show-validator) \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--amount <TOKEN_DELEGATION>acanto \
--fees 20acanto