This repository contains most of the code used by our team on the youBot for the RoboCup@Work competition. In the competition, the robot should transport industrial objects such as metal profiles, nuts and bolts, tools, etc. between workstations based on a given task order. This requires the robot to autonomously navigate in a known environment with previously unseen obstacles, recognize and grasp small and textureless objects, grasp objects from a rotating table, insert objects precisely into cavities and plan the most efficient sequence of actions to complete the task.
Several other repositories are used; the full list can be found in repository.rosinstall. The main ones are:
The repository and its related components have been tested under the following Ubuntu distributions:
If you do not have a Ubuntu distribution on your computer you can download it here
Install the Git core components and some additional GUI's for the version control:
sudo apt-get install git-core gitg gitk
Now it's time to configure your settings. To do this you need to open a new Terminal. First you need to tell git your name, so that it can properly label the commits you make:
git config --global "Your Name Here"
Git also saves your email address into the commits you make.
git config --global ""
If you have never worked with git before, we recommend to go through the following basic git tutorial:
The latest versions of docker-engine and docker-compose have to be installed before getting started. Please have a look at docker's official website for more insights into the working and usage of docker images and docker containers.
The docker images available here provide a proper development environment -with ros pre-installed and without any missing dependencies- for the MAS industrial software. It is highly recommended that you use docker containers to build and run your nodes rather than directly installing ROS and working with the MAS industrial software on your PC.
First, you need to pull the corresponding image you want to use:
#kinetic image
docker pull
#melodic image
docker pull
The main branch of the ros distro should always reflect latest
tag in the github registry, for example kinetic
branch reflects mas_industrial_robotics/industrial-kinetic:latest
The ros distro devel
branch always reflects devel
tag, for example kinetic
branch reflects mas_industrial_robotics/industrial-kinetic:devel
Start container with docker-compose
docker-compose -f start-container.yaml up <industrial_kinetic|industrial_melodic>
Log in to the container:
docker exec -it mas_industrial_robotics_industrial_kinetic_1 /bin/bash
More detailed tutorials on how to use MAS Industrial Robotics softwares with docker are available here
The repository has been tested successfully with the following ROS distributions. Use the link behind a ROS distribution to get to the particular ROS installation instructions. Alternatively, you can skip this step, as ROS Melodic is automatically installed by the script described in this section.
NOTE: Do not forget to update your .bashrc!
If you have never worked with ROS before, we recommend to go through the beginner tutorials provided by ROS:
In order to understand at least the different core components of ROS, you have to start from tutorial 1 ("Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment") till tutorial 7 ("Understanding ROS Services and Parameters").
First of all you have to clone the repository.
mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp
git clone --branch noetic
Navigate into the cloned repository and run file.
./ --ros_install <full|base> --ros_distro <melodic|kinetic|noetic> --ws_dir <$HOME/catkin_ws> --docker 0
./ --ros_install full --ros_distro noetic --ws_dir $HOME/catkin_ws --docker 0
Note: In case you are using the docker images, please pay attention to the mounted directory path in the container. All the above paths should be relative to your mounted folder inside the docker container and not your local file system.
This script does the following,
Note: A catkin_ws built inside docker container can be built only within docker containers having the same mounted directory in the container. Do not try to switch the catkin_ws build between docker containers and local PC, as it will produce errors due to conflicting paths.
Add the following to your bashrc and source your bashrc, so that you need not execute ./ script each time you open your terminal
source <your folder>/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
If no errors appear everything is ready to use. Great job!
Finally delete the initially cloned mas_industrial_robotics in ~/temp, as all necessary repositories and dependencies are successfully cloned and installed in your catkin workspace
rm -rf ~/temp/mas_industrial_robotics
With the ROBOT variable you can choose which hardware configuration should be loaded when starting the robot. The following line will add the variable to your .bashrc:
echo "export ROBOT=youbot-brsu-4" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
The ROBOT_ENV variable can be used to switch between different environments. The following line will add the variable to your .bashrc:
echo "export ROBOT_ENV=brsu-c025" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "export ROBOT_ENV=brsu-c025-sim" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
roslaunch mir_bringup_sim robot.launch
roslaunch mir_bringup robot.launch
roslaunch mir_teleop teleop_keyboard.launch
rosrun rviz rviz
roslaunch mir_2dslam 2dslam.launch
roslaunch mir_2dnav 2dnav.launch nav_mode:=dwa
Click on the menu bar "File -> Open Config", navigate to "~/indigo/src/mas_industrial_robotics" and select the "youbot.rviz" file.
Pre-commit hooks has been added to this repository. Please note that you will not be able to locally commit your changes to git until all the checks in the .pre-commit-config.yaml pass. Although, cpp and python code formatters are present in .pre-commit-config.yaml, some serious violations of the standard coding guidelines will not be automatically fixed while running the pre-commit hooks. These errors will be displayed while running git commit and have to be manually fixed. Users will not be able to commit their code, until these errors are fixed. Alternatively, one could also verify if the pre-commit hooks pass before actually committing the code to git. To do so please run the following command after making necessary changes to your code.
pre-commit run --all-files