b-ivey / final-project

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Due: Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 11:59 pm


Develop a web site for your personal portfolio OR an example of explanatory journalism on an appropriate topic. Other topics must be cleared with Prof. Ivey.

This project is worth 50 points. (50 percent of your final grade.)


Your portfolio may include works from other classes, extracurricular or professional experiences related to your field of study. This may include photography, published articles, audio/video segments or graphic design samples. Your portfolio should be presentable to prospective employers.

For undergraduates or students in majors who may not have a robust collection of work for a portfolio, you may focus on personal interest (i.e. travel, cooking, etc) so long as it would be acceptable for a potential employer to view.


That's it!

There are no minimum requirements for use of HTML elements or CSS properties as were set forth in the previous two assignments.


Five (5) points of this project will be awarded subjectively based on your demonstrating of growth in design and coding skills.

Each failure to meet a requirement will incur a two (2) point deduction.

A missed deadline (submitting the assignment, for instance, at 3:00:01 p.m.) will result in a ten (10) point deduction for every day the project is late.


A fully functioning mobile version will result in the addition of five (5) extra points. This will be tested using Firefox's Responsive Design Tools set to iPhone X/XS.

The addition of one, appropriate and fully functioning jQuery plugin or original JavaScript will result in the addition of three (3) extra points.

Note: Implementing a 'bonus' feature does not necessarily meet the 'growth' requirement set forth in grading.


Create an issue in the final-project repository with your full name and a link to your (working) domain name by the deadline. If you are unsure of how to submit, check the example provided in the Issues section.

Do not wait until the last minute to submit your URL.

Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism

So there is absolutely no confusion:

Students enrolled in this course are expected to abide by the University of Miami Honor Code. Academic dishonesty of any kind, for whatever reason, will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is the taking of someone else's words, work, or ideas, and passing them off as a product of your own efforts.

Use of copyrighted content must have written approval from the original author and be properly sourced. Files may not be 'hot linked'. Copying or reproduction of web site design and/or source code will be considered an act of plagiarism.

Students are not permitted to use programs which generate or format web pages using a graphical user interface (i.e. Adobe Dreamweaver, WordPress, etc.) or HTML and CSS frameworks. Exceptions are specified under the design resources on the course web page.

Plagiarism or lapses in web ethics, as detailed above and in the course syllabus, will result in a zero (0) on the assignment, PLUS a 15-point penalty on your final grade and referral to the University of Miami Honor Council.

Simply put, any incidents of academic dishonesty will cause you to fail this course.


How do I set up a domain name?

Read the file (how-to-register-a-domain-name.md included in this repository for step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish this.

Where can I get graphics for my page?

I have created a design-resources repository with links to various web sites with content you are able to use. Always check to make sure the content allows you the rights to use it.

What is the maximum page weight I can have before my page is classified as "slow-loading"?

Two megabytes (2MB), which is actually 1MB greater than an acceptable standard. If your page(s) exceeds 1MB, I'll likely note it in feedback as a warning; pages at 2MB or greater will received a deduction.

Can I use my resume created for the first two projects in my final?

Yes, but it cannot just be a cut-and-paste addition. You will likely need to make adjustments to have it fit in with the design you are creating for your overall site. You may need to adjust HTML, CSS, content, etc. to make it work.

Do I need to keep all the files from old projects in username.github.io?

No. Feel free to delete old files. If you opt to leave the old files (i.e. index.html, resume.html, style.css, etc.) just be aware that you'll be overwriting them (which is fine; GitHub has all the old versions of your work stored in past commits).

What is my home page?

index.html. This is the default file a web server looks for when a user does not specify a specific page to visit.


Check back for more questions! :)


Good luck!