Topos theory for Lean
This repository contains formal verification of results in Topos Theory, drawing from "Sheaves in Geometry and Logic" and "Sketches of an Elephant".
What's here?
- Cartesian closed categories
- Sieves and grothendieck topologies including the open set topology
- (Trunc) construction of finite products from binary products and terminal
- Locally cartesian closed categories and epi-mono factorisations
- Many lemmas about pullbacks (for instance the pasting lemma)
- Skeleton of a category (assuming choice)
- Subobject category
- Subobject classifiers and power objects
- Reflexive monadicity theorem
- (Internal) Beck-Chevalley and Pare's theorem
- Definition of a topos
- Every topos is finitely cocomplete
- Local cartesian closure of toposes and Fundamental Theorem of Topos Theory
- Lawvere-Tierney topologies and sheaves
- Sheafification of LT topologies
- Proof that Lawvere-Tierney topologies generalise Grothendieck topologies
What's coming soon?
- Proof that category of coalgebras for a comonad form a topos
- Logical functors
- Logic internal to a topos
- Natural number objects
What might be coming?
- Geometric morphisms
- Filter/quotient construction on a topos
- The construction of the Cohen topos to show ZF doesn't prove CH
- The construction of a topos to show ZF doesn't prove AC
- A topos in which every function R -> R is continuous
- Giraud's theorem
- Classifying toposes
Build Instructions
Install lean and leanproject.
If you have docker, spin up an instance of the edayers/lean
image (or build your own using the provided Dockerfile).
leanproject get b-mehta/topos
leanproject build