b0bdN / prayer-times-menubar-app

A menubar application for displaying the prayer times from your city.
MIT License
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css electron electron-app electronjs html islam javascript muslim prayer-times

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A menubar application for displaying the prayer times from your city.

prayer-times screenshot - dark prayer-times screenshot - light



You can enter your location in the settings panel, just enter: CITY, COUNTRY.
You can use the full name of the country or just the alpha-2 code ISO 3166.
When using the geolocation button, a request is made to IPinfo.io API to be able to get the city and country of you location. An internet connection is required.

This app use the Free plan from ipinfo.io, and can access up to 50k request/month.

Keyboard shortcut

You can use the following shortcuts:
Ctrl or Cmd + Alt + P Global shortcut to show/hide the app


const TOKEN = 'your.token' exports.TOKEN = TOKEN

// main.js

function geolocation () { console.log('Fetch geolocation via IPinfo.io.') // NOTE: Enter your TOKEN from IPinfo.io const TOKEN = config.TOKEN

fetch(https://ipinfo.io/json?token=${TOKEN}) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { // console.log(json.ip, json.city, json.country) store.setCityCountry(json.city, json.country) }) .catch(err => console.log(err)) }

- [node-fetch](https://github.com/node-fetch/node-fetch/tree/2.x#readme) v2.x is used because the ES Modules are not in use in this app.

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome!

## Translations

Follow these steps to translate the app in you language:
1. Create a folder with the 2 letters of your language in `./locales/`
2. Copy [this file](./locales/en/translation.json) (`./locales/en/translation.json`) in your folder
3. Start translating! :)

Note: the words between braces (e.g.:`{{api}}`) shouldn't be translated.

Available translations:
- اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ (Arabic)
- বাংলা (Bangla)
- English
- Français (French)
- Türkçe (Turkish)
- O'zbek (Uzbek)

## Credit | Dependencies

- [Electronjs.org](https://www.electronjs.org/)
- [Menubar](https://github.com/maxogden/menubar)
- [electron-store](https://github.com/sindresorhus/electron-store)
- [node-fetch](https://github.com/node-fetch/node-fetch)
- [RESTful Prayer TImes API](https://aladhan.com/prayer-times-api) from [Aladhan.com](https://aladhan.com/)
- [IPinfo.io](https://ipinfo.io/)
- [Remix Icon](https://github.com/Remix-Design/RemixIcon)
- [i18next](https://www.i18next.com/) internationalization framework
- Logo: Islam by Olena Panasovska from NounProject.com

## Donations
Donations can be made via cryptocurrencies:
- XMR: `88TyfPkBEh44NFwdy5wMtv5M1aJFgNpWq4S97oZhSPwcCr4ah8cWyCRe8qE1Q3n9sAirVF23u6FkMCdSGiJSyLhHN5UcjcL`
- BTC: `bc1qthw8u4he9zj6ajnfqxq6z5ang6w24hdds8j68r`

Thank you!!

## License