TYPO3 CMS is known for handling large websites with lots of content. TYPO3 Core provides several ways to build navigation / menus in a very flexible way. However, generating menus has been a tedious issue in most of our large-scale projects. With TYPO3 v9, the performance of generating menus improved when it comes to URL generation, but a few conceptual issues within linking and menu generation still exist:
All logic relies on HMENU
Every menu is generated using HMENU, even the MenuDataProcessor for Fluid is using this. Yes, it's powerful, but also offers a lot of options we do not need in most circumstances.
HMENU saves states for each page
HMENU offers the possibility to define A LOT of states ("active", "current", "has children"). This information is
different for each page - obviously - which is then cached in a separate cache entry in cache_hash
- making
the cache entries fairly large even though we do not use states.
We use expAll
(expand all subpages for all other pages as well) which makes the requests to the pages
enormously large.
HMENU has a cryptic syntax for "special" menus
Nowadays, it is fairly common to build menus for footer navigation, mega-menus, sitemap-like menus for an additional sidebar. Using "special." for language menus, for "directories" or just a simple list of pages, seems rather complex.
This extension tries to overcome these pitfalls by
Use composer req b13/menus
or install it via TYPO3's Extension Manager from the
TYPO3 Extension Repository using the extension key menus
You need TYPO3 v9 with Site Handling for this extension to work. If your project supports mount points, this is not implemented. In addition, pages to access restricted pages (even though no access exists) are not yet considered.
The extension ships TypoScript cObjects and TypoScript DataProcessors for Fluid-based page templates.
In TypoScript this is available as field:isSpacer
, in Fluid, this is accessible in {page.isSpacer}
- {page.isCurrentPage} (bool)
- {page.isInRootLine} (bool)
- {page.isSpacer} (bool)
- {page.hasSubpages} (bool) - TreeMenu only
- {page.subpages} (array) - TreeMenu only
Use this for mega menus, or separate menus for mobile devices, like sitemaps.
Pure TypoScript-based solution:
page.10 = TREEMENU
# a list of page IDs, rootpageID is used if none given
page.10.entryPoints = 23,13
# the number of levels to fetch from the database (1 if empty)
page.10.depth = 3
page.10.excludePages = 4,51
# 0: default, 1 to include nav_hide = 1 pages
page.10.includeNotInMenu = 0
page.10.renderObj.level0 = TEXT
page.10.renderObj.level0.typolink.parameter.data = field:uid
page.10.renderObj.level0.typolink.ATagParams = class="active"
page.10.renderObj.level0.typolink.ATagParams.if.isTrue.field = isInRootLine
page.10.renderObj.level0.dataWrap = <li class="firstLevel">|<ul>{field:subpageContent}</ul></li>
Fluid-based solution:
page.10.dataProcessing.10 = B13\Menus\DataProcessing\TreeMenu
page.10.dataProcessing.10.entryPoints = 23,13
page.10.dataProcessing.10.depth = 3
page.10.dataProcessing.10.excludePages = 4,51
# 0: default, 1 to include nav_hide = 1 pages
page.10.dataProcessing.10.includeNotInMenu = 0
page.10.dataProcessing.10.as = mobilemenu
Usage in Fluid:
<f:for each="{mobilemenu}" as="page">
<f:link.page pageUid="{page.uid}">{page.nav_title}</f:link.page>
<f:if condition="{page.hasSubpages} && {page.isInRootLine}">
<f:for each="{page.subpages}" as="subpage">
<li><f:link.page pageUid="{subpage.uid}">{subpage.nav_title}</f:link.page>
Note: nav_title is title if Database-Record nav_title is empty.
Building a language switcher can be achieved by a few lines of code:
Pure TypoScript solution:
page.10.excludeLanguages = de,en
# 0: default, 1 to include nav_hide = 1 pages
page.10.includeNotInMenu = 0
# add all siteLanguages to menu even if page is not available in language (default 0)
page.10.addAllSiteLanguages = 1
page.10.wrap = <ul> | </ul>
page.10.renderObj.typolink.parameter.data = field:uid
page.10.renderObj.typolink.additionalParams.data = field:language|languageId
page.10.renderObj.typolink.additionalParams.intval = 1
page.10.renderObj.typolink.additionalParams.wrap = &L=|
page.10.renderObj.data = field:language|title // field:language|twoLetterIsoCode
page.10.renderObj.wrap = <li class="language-item"> | </li>
The stdWrap data
is the information of the current page plus the information merged from the selected SiteLanguage.
Fluid-based solution:
page.10.dataProcessing.10 = B13\Menus\DataProcessing\LanguageMenu
page.10.dataProcessing.10.excludeLanguages = de,en
# 0: default, 1 to include nav_hide = 1 pages
page.10.dataProcessing.10.includeNotInMenu = 0
# add all siteLanguages to menu even if page is not available in language (default 0)
page.10.dataProcessing.10.addAllSiteLanguages = 1
page.10.dataProcessing.10.as = languageswitcher
Usage in Fluid:
<f:for each="{languageswitcher}" as="item">
<f:link.page pageUid="{item.uid}" language="{item.language.languageId}">{item.language.title}</f:link.page>
Note: the languageMenu hold the siteLanguage on each item in the language
property as an array
If you just want a list of all items within a folder, or for a link list in the footer, use the List Menu.
Pure TypoScript-based solution:
page.10 = LISTMENU
# a page ID, rootpageID is used if none given, stdWrap possible
page.10.pages = 13,14,15
# 0: default, 1 to include nav_hide = 1 pages
page.10.includeNotInMenu = 0
page.10.wrap = <ul> | </ul>
page.10.renderObj = TEXT
page.10.renderObj.typolink.parameter.data = field:uid
page.10.renderObj.wrap = <li> | </li>
Fluid-based solution:
page.10.dataProcessing.10 = B13\Menus\DataProcessing\ListMenu
page.10.dataProcessing.10.pages = 13,14,15
page.10.dataProcessing.10.as = footerlinks
# 0: default, 1 to include nav_hide = 1 pages
page.10.dataProcessing.10.includeNotInMenu = 0
Usage in Fluid:
<f:for each="{footerlinks}" as="page">
<f:link.page pageUid="{page.uid}">{page.nav_title}</f:link.page>
page.10.excludePages = 4,51
# 0: default, 1 to include nav_hide = 1 pages
page.10.includeNotInMenu = 0
page.10.wrap = <ul> | </ul>
page.10.renderObj = TEXT
page.10.renderObj.typolink.parameter.data = field:uid
page.10.renderObj.wrap = <li> | </li>
Fluid-based solution:
page.10.dataProcessing.10 = B13\Menus\DataProcessing\BreadcrumbsMenu
page.10.dataProcessing.10.excludePages = 4,51
# 0: default, 1 to include nav_hide = 1 pages
page.10.dataProcessing.10.includeNotInMenu = 0
page.10.dataProcessing.10.as = breadcrumbs
Usage in Fluid:
<f:for each="{breadcrumbs}" as="page">
<f:link.page pageUid="{page.uid}">{page.nav_title}</f:link.page>
<f:if condition="{page.isCurrentPage} == false"> </f:if>
If you want to get a menu of the direct siblings of a page, no matter what page you have selected, you can use the stdWrap functions built into each property:
9999 = B13\Menus\DataProcessing\TreeMenu
9999 {
entryPoints.data = page:pid
as = listOfJobPages
By using the .data
property of the entryPoints
attribute we can access each property of the currently build page. And so we can render the siblings of the page.
Fetching the records is cached in a cache entry (with proper cache tags) within "cache_hash", and the rendering is also cached in a separated cache entry within "cache_pages" for each page (regular), where active state is applied.
This extension refrains from handling options addQueryParams
, or the target
in order to deal with the pages as "native" as possible, like any other link.
The extension is licensed under GPL v2+, same as the TYPO3 Core. For details see the LICENSE file in this repository.
If you find an issue, feel free to create an issue on GitHub or a pull request.
optionThis extension was created by Benni Mack in 2019 for b13 GmbH.
Find more TYPO3 extensions we have developed that help us deliver value in client projects. As part of the way we work, we focus on testing and best practices to ensure long-term performance, reliability, and results in all our code.