b3nn0 / ogn2dump1090

Simple tool to inject OpenGliderNet Data into a dump1090 instance for display on a unified map
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Simple tool to inject Open Glider Network Traffic into a dump1090-fa instance for display on a unified map (will be displayed as "MLAT" traffic). It contains setup scripts to install everything that's needed (including a modified dump1090-fa instance) on a Pi3B or Pi4B with a fresh RasPiOS (idealy 64bit Bookworm) installed. It requires basic RasPiOS knowledge (i.e. connecting via SSH and basic Linux shell stuff)

preparation of credentials

During the setup process you will be automatically asked to edit /home/pi/ogn2dump1090/ogn_setup.conf and /etc/default/dump1090-fa for which you should have the following credentials at hand:

Full-Automatic Setup

Manual Setup on an existing dump1090-fa instance

sudo apt install --yes python3-pip
sudo pip3 install ogn-client
git clone https://github.com/wiedehopf/mlat-client.git
cd mlat-client && sudo python3 setup.py install

Now install the OGN Client as described here: http://wiki.glidernet.org/wiki:manual-installation-guide (Don't let ogn-rf/ogn-decode start on boot. ogn2dump1090 will start these processes) You can use the ogn_setup.conf configuration as a starting point (but be sure to put the correct coordinates in there). Now open config.py and set the path to your OGN installation. Afterwards, you can simply run ./ogn2dump1090.py and should be fine. This requires an already running dump1090-mutability or dump1090-fa instance with the --net argument.

For further configuration modifications, please edit:

Adding OpenAIP Airspaces to the map - work in progress!!

go to /usr/share/skyaware/html and edit layers.js. At the end of the file, right before the line that says return layers;, add this code:

        layers.push(new ol.layer.Tile({
                source: new ol.source.XYZ({url: "http://2.tile.maps.openaip.net/geowebcache/service/tms/1.0.0/openaip_basemap@EPSG%3A900913@png/{z}/{x}/{-y}.png", visible:true, opaque:false}),
                name: 'openaip',
                title: 'OpenAIP',
                type: 'overlay',

After refreshing the page, OpenAIP should now load above the OSM base layer.