bablokb / cp-shell

Command-Shell for UART-only CircuitPython Devices (Port of rshell)
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Cpshell is a a port of the MicroPython rshell:

It is a command-shell that allows you to create, copy and delete files on UART-only CircuitPython devices.

If native USB is available, you should use the CIRCUITPY-drive since it is much more performant. Likewise, if the web-workflow is up and running it is faster. But there are still some use-cases where cpshell is the tool of choice:

Major changes compared to rshell:

Besides these changes, there have been only cosmetic updates (the code of rshell is of very high quality). This also implies that some of the quirks of the rshell-commands still exist. One example is that rsync /dir behaves like rsync /dir/. This might be changed in a later update.

Builtin help

Cpshell is a commandline tool with options (e.g. --port), commands (e.g. cp) and arguments (e.g. the source-directory for the cp-command). Some commands have their own options (the cp-command for example has an -r option for recursive copy operations).

To print all available options for cpshell, all commands or help for a specific command, run:

> cpshell -h
> cpshell help
> cpshell help rsync

Basic usage examples

Note that in all examples, the leading '/' after the ':' can be omitted, since the root-directory of the device is the default working directory.

Copy my version of settings.toml to the device:

> cpshell -v cp mysettings.toml :/settings.toml

Print boot_out.txt:

> cpshell cat :/boot_out.txt

Deploy source-tree (mirror-mode) from the local drive to the device:

> cpshell -v rsync -m src/ :/

List files on the device:

> cpshell ls -l :/
> cpshell ls -l :/lib

Run some code on the device. To prevent expansion by the os-shell (e.g. bash), put the whole code in quotes. Within the code, use ~ or \; as separators (a single semicolon is a separator for cpshell-commands and must therefore be escaped).

A trailing ~ or \; will terminate the REPL after execution.

> cpshell repl 'import board~ print(board.board_id)~'

Enter the shell:

> cpshell



git clone
cd cp-shell
pip3 install .

If in doubt, create a python virtual environment first. Run the last command as root to install globally (not recommended).


To enter the raw REPL, cpshell will reset the device and check for the "soft reboot" message from the REPL. The exact text of this message depends on the locale (language) of the installed CircuitPython version. Cpshell guesses the locale from the locale of the host which might or might not be identical. You can pass the correct locale with the option -L or --locale, e.g. --locale de_DE. If this does not work, check if your locale is available in cpshell/ and create a PR if not.

Cpshell is slow, since it uses the raw REPL to communicate with the device. Since the repl-buffer is not large, code and data needs to be transferred in chunks with intermittend waits from the host to the device. The default settings are conservative (chunk-size is 64 byte, wait is 0.5s). Some devices allow much larger chunk-sizes. Use the cpshell options --chunk-size and --chunk-wait to change the defaults. Wrong values will cause a hang or timeout already by small transfers.