bacarpenter /

A chatbot based todo list and buddy, built to facilitate other features over time.
MIT License
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A chatbot based todo list and buddy, built to facilitate other features over time.


And more to come :)

Run Locally

Step 1: Basics

  git clone

Go to the project directory


Install dependencies

  python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2: Data base

Next, we will set up a data base for your todos. This will be done with firebase, because it is free and I like it. If you haven't already, sign up for firebase

  1. Create a project in the dashboard. I named mine
  2. In the project, select Firestore Database from the side bar. Select create database. Chose a location close to you, as this database will only house your data. When asked for security rules, select start in production mode. You won't need to worry about security rules for this.
  3. In your project sidebar, click the cog towards the top, select "Project settings"
  4. Select the service accounts tab
  5. Choose "Generate new private key". This will download a .json file.
  6. Copy this file into the source code, under the secrets/ directory and rename it firebase-adminsdk.json

Phew, now the database should be setup!

Optional: With this step done you can use the bot in it's CLI form. Todo this, run python3 Make sure to add a todo before you try to read them.

Step 3: Discord setup

To set up the discord bot, please follow this tutorial, up until the heading "How to Code a Basic Discord Bot with the Library". Save the token. Then, create a new file, named discord_token.json under the secrets/ directory. Use the following template:

  "token": "[TOKEN]"

and fill in [TOKEN] with your actual token!

Step 4: Use

Now, you are ready to use the bot. Start talk to it through discord by using


or, use the CLI with



To deploy this project, I use free hacker plan for students. Learn more about setting up a here. And getting your free, time limited, hacker plan here.

Alternatively, any PaaS provider that allows for always online python projects should work just fine!

Tech Stack

Client: Discord

Server: Python,, Firebase


Make sure not to share anything in the secrets/ directory publicly online!


Thank you to...


Licensed under the MIT license. Learn more about the MIT license