bachya / aiorecollect

🗑 A Python 3, asyncio-based library for the Recollect Waste API
MIT License
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🗑 aiorecollect: A Python 3 Library for Pinboard

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aiorecollect is a Python 3, asyncio-based library for the ReCollect Waste API. It allows users to programmatically retrieve schedules for waste removal in their area, including trash, recycling, compost, and more.

Special thanks to @stealthhacker for the inspiration!


pip install aiorecollect

Python Versions

aiorecollect is currently supported on:

Place and Service IDs

To use aiorecollect, you must know both your ReCollect Place and Service IDs.

In general, cities/municipalities that utilize ReCollect will give you a way to subscribe to a calendar with pickup dates. If you examine the iCal URL for this calendar, the Place and Service IDs are embedded in it:



import asyncio
from datetime import date

from aiorecollect import Client

async def main() -> None:
    client = await Client("<PLACE ID>", "<SERVICE ID>")

    # The client has a few attributes that you can access:

    # Get all pickup events on the calendar:
    pickup_events = await client.async_get_pickup_events()

    # ...or get all pickup events within a certain date range:
    pickup_events = await client.async_get_pickup_events(
        start_date=date(2020, 10, 1), end_date=date(2020, 10, 31)

    # ...or just get the next pickup event:
    next_pickup = await client.async_get_next_pickup_event()

The PickupEvent Object

The PickupEvent object that is returned from the above calls comes with three properties:

The PickupType Object

The PickupType object contains the "internal" name of the pickup type and a human-friendly representation when it exists:

Connection Pooling

By default, the library creates a new connection to ReCollect with each coroutine. If you are calling a large number of coroutines (or merely want to squeeze out every second of runtime savings possible), an aiohttp ClientSession can be used for connection pooling:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from aiorecollect import Client

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = await Client("<PLACE ID>", "<SERVICE ID>", session=session)

        # Get to work...


Thanks to all of our contributors so far!

  1. Check for open features/bugs or initiate a discussion on one.
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. (optional, but highly recommended) Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv .venv
  4. (optional, but highly recommended) Enter the virtual environment: source ./.venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the dev environment: script/setup
  6. Code your new feature or bug fix on a new branch.
  7. Write tests that cover your new functionality.
  8. Run tests and ensure 100% code coverage: poetry run pytest --cov aiorecollect tests
  9. Update with any new documentation.
  10. Submit a pull request!