backdrop-contrib / faqfield

This module provides a field for frequently asked questions.
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Accordion format missing? #3

Closed olafgrabienski closed 3 months ago

olafgrabienski commented 4 months ago

I'm testing this module which looks very useful. In the display settings, I can't find the Accordion.

The README mentions the following formats:

Actually, the Definition list behaves like an Accordion. Now I'm wondering, if the 'original' Accordion is missing or if it was merged with the Definition list.

alanmels commented 3 months ago

You are right that the Definition list behaves like Accordion. If you read from line 447 on Drupal 7 version of the module then you will notice the accordion tied up to faqfield_definition_list:

     * This formatter displays the FAQ content as definition list, and has been
     * updated with the addition of accordion functionality.
     * Taken from the Web Accessibility for Developers course offered by
     * The Chang School at Ryerson University, for details see:
    case 'faqfield_definition_list':
        drupal_get_path('module', 'faqfield') . '/js/faqfield.accordion_dl.js',
          'scope' => 'header',
          'weight' => 51,
        drupal_get_path('module', 'faqfield') . '/css/faqfield.accordion_dl.css'

On the other hand, the faqfield_accordion formatted that looked like:

case 'faqfield_accordion':
      // Generate faqfield id by fieldname and entity id.
      $entity_ids = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
      $faqfield_id = 'faqfield_' . $field['field_name'] . '_' . $entity_ids[0];
      // We need to convert the element active value to an integer for jQuery.
      if ($display['settings']['active'] !== '') {
        settype($display['settings']['active'], 'int');
      // If setting was left blank, we set FALSE so no element will be active.
      else {
        $display['settings']['active'] = FALSE;
      // If jquery_update module is installed and a version >1.5 is used
      // the "autoHeight" option has been replaced with "heightStyle".
      // To be compatible to higher jQuery versions we have to switch accordingly.
      if (module_exists('jquery_update') && variable_get('jquery_update_jquery_version') !== '1.5') {
        if ($display['settings']['autoHeight']) {
          $display['settings']['heightStyle'] = 'auto';
        else {
          $display['settings']['heightStyle'] = 'content';
      // Attach accordion JS library and related display settings.
      $element[0]['#attached']['library'][] = array('faqfield', 'accordion');
      $element[0]['#attached']['js'][] = array(
        'type' => 'setting',
        'data' => array('faqfield' => array('#' . $faqfield_id => $display['settings'])),
      // We need to put all of this within a single piece of markup,
      // otherwise this would not work with jQuery accordion.
      $element[0]['#markup'] = '<div id="' . $faqfield_id . '">';
      foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
        // Decide whether to use the default format or the custom one.
        $format = (!empty($item['answer_format']) ? $item['answer_format'] : $field['settings']['format']);
        // Build the markup.
        $name = 'faq-' . str_replace(' ', '-', $item['question']);
        // Store the raw anchor name so the accordion item can be unfurled.
        $anchors[$name] = $key;
        $name = check_plain($name);
        $element[0]['#markup'] .= '<h3 class="faqfield-question" id="' . $name . '"><a href="#' . $name . '">' . check_plain($item['question']) . '</a></h3>';
        $element[0]['#markup'] .= '<div class="faqfield-answer">' . check_markup($item['answer'], $format) . '</div>';
      $element[0]['#markup'] .= '</div>';
      $element[0]['#attached']['js'][] = array(
        'type' => 'setting',
        'data' => array('faqfieldAnchors' => $anchors),

didn't want to work, so it was decided to just remove non-functional part of the code. If someone has time to tackle this problem and get the removed code back into the module, I don't mind accepting PRs.

For now, I'll go ahead and rename the Definition list to Accordion to avoid possible confusions in the future.