backdrop-contrib / github_stats

Track Github statistics of Backdrop CMS projects and display in a Views listing.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link
backdropcms utilities

Github Stats

Get an overview of all projects you're maintainer of and keep an eye on theirs statistics.

Information is automatically fetched via Github API (public).

Use case: if you maintain lots of projects on Github and want to keep an eye on those.

So this module's probably only useful for a handful of people. It provides no value for BackdropCMS users or admins.

Add projects via form on github-project/add, you have to add the project name and the Github path. The rest gets fetched automatically.

There's an overview table on github-project/list.

Permissions aren't very fine grained. Adapt as needed on admin/config/people/permissions#module-github_stats.

A cron job will keep infos up to date, make sure cron runs regularly.

Optional settings

There's no admin UI for settings, but some options are available via settings.php (or settings.local.php):

$settings['github_stats_expire_after'] = 86400;
$settings['github_stats_max_per_cron'] = 5;
$settings['github_stats_api_token'] = '';

The personal access token doesn't need any special access privileges, as every info this module fetches is public content, anyway. Learn how to create a Github access token.

Note: you don't need a token at all, if you don't fetch too many projects (or too often). Too much means: more than 30 projects per hour.



Bugs and feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue

Known issues

The usage count fetched from has a long delay. The number seems to get updated there once a week, but because of caching, the delay's probably rather two weeks or more.

Current Maintainers


This project is GPL v3 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.