backstop-protocol / BCompound

19 stars 5 forks source link

Get the latest submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Install the dependencies required for BCompound and compound-protocol. Below command requires npm and yarn (compound-protocol uses yarn) installed:

npm install

Compiles the BCompound and compound-protocol contracts:

npx hardhat compile

Generate TypeChain typings:

npx hardhat typechain

Run Hardhat EVM (in separate shell window):

npx hardhat node

The tests automatically deploy Compound Contracts on ganache / hardhat-HRE. Below command requires solc command installed, if not installed, run sudo snap install solc (only for ubuntu). The solc version should be 0.5.16. You can use solc-select (

npx hardhat test

Deploy Contracts on Kovan / Mainnet:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

Instructions to test with truffle

npx  ganache-cli  -l 1250000000000 --allowUnlimitedContractSize -a 20 -q -e 100000000000000

npm run deploy-compound

npx truffle test

Run Coverage

npm run coverage

PlayGround for Liquidators

Liquidators can use the file to learn how to use PlayGround to write and run specific tests against BProtocol.