backtracking / bibtex2html

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BibTeX2HTML is a collection of tools for producing automatically HTML documents from bibliographies written in the BibTeX format. It consists in three command line tools:


This program is distributed under the GNU GPL. See the enclosed file COPYING.


You need OCaml >= 4.03 to compile the sources.

  1. Create the configure script with autoconf

  2. Configure with "./configure"

  3. Compile with "make". It creates two binary files, "bibtex2html" and "bib2bib" .

    If you want to build the documentation, do "make doc" (You need both LaTeX and Hevea).

  4. Install with "make install". You may need superuser permissions.

    (Note: you can also just copy the two executables in any directory of your choice)

    To install the doc, do "make install-doc".