baconjs / bacon.jquery

MIT License
74 stars 23 forks source link

Note: This repository is not maintained anymore. You can still use it of course, or just use Bacon.js core which adds the asEventStream method to jQuery objects, for accessing events as EventStream objects.


A JQuery data binding library for Bacon.js.

Adds stuff to Bacon.$. Is also called BJQ.


This library is intended as a replacement for Bacon.UI. It provides the same functionality, with the addition of two-way bound Models, model composition and lenses.

Example Applications

There are example applications in the examples directory, each with a describing how they are started.

Each application does essentially the same thing and the code in the example applications is essentially just this:

  // binding for "left" text field
  left = bjq.textFieldValue($("#left"))
  // binding for "right" text field
  right = bjq.textFieldValue($("#right"))
  // make a two-way binding between these two
  // values in the two fields will now stay in sync
  // Make a one-way side effect: update label text on changes, uppercase".toUpperCase").changes().assign($("#output"), "text")
  // Add an input stream for resetting the value


The bacon.jquery API consists of methods for creating a Model representing the state of a DOM element or a group of DOM elements. This API is published as Bacon.$, and the same object is returned when using AMD or CommonJS.

Bacon.$.textFieldValue(field [, initValue])

Creates a Model for an <input type="text"> element, given as a JQuery object. You can optionally supply an initial value.

Bacon.$.checkBoxValue(field [, initValue])

Creates a Model for a <input type="checkbox"> element, given as a JQuery object. The value is true if the checkbox is checked and false otherwise.

Bacon.$.selectValue(field [,initValue])

Creates a Model for a <select> element, given as a JQuery object. The value of the model corresponds to the value attribute of the selected <option> element.

Bacon.$.radioGroupValue(fields, [,initValue])

Creates a Model for a group of <input type="radio"> elements, given as a JQuery object or an Array of jQuery objects. The value of the model corresponds to the value attribute of the selected radio input element. Note that value is a string.

Bacon.$.intRadioGroupValue(fields [, initValue])

Like Bacon.$.radioGroupValue, but for integer values.

Bacon.$.checkBoxGroupValue(fields, [,initValue])

Creates a Model for a group of <input type="checkbox"> elements, given as a JQuery object or an Array of jQuery objects. The value of the model is an array of the value attributes of the checked checkbox input elements. For instance, if you have checkboxes and 2 of these are checked, having values a and b, the value of the Model is ["a", "b"].

TODO: add HTML/JS examples

FRP extensions to JQuery Events

BJQ adds methods to JQuery, for wrapping events into an EventStream.

For example, to wrap click events on <body> into an EventStream, you can

var clicks = $("body").clickE()

Supported methods include the following:

FRP extensions to JQuery Effects

BJQ adds methods to JQuery, for performing animations and wrapping the result Promise into an EventStream. For example

var fadeOut = $("#thing").fadeOutE("fast")

Supported methods include the following:


BJQ provides helpers for JQuery AJAX. All the methods return an EventStream of AJAX results. AJAX errors are mapped into Error events in the stream.

Aborted requests are not sent into the error stream. If you want to have a stream that observes whether an AJAX request is running, use Bacon.awaiting. For example:

var searchParams = Bacon.once({ url: '/search', data: { query: 'apple' } })
var ajaxRequest = searchParams.ajax()
var requestRunning = searchParams.awaiting(ajaxRequest)
requestRunning.assign($('#ajaxSpinner'), 'toggle')


Performs an AJAX request on each event of your stream, collating results in the result stream.

The source stream is expected to provide the parameters for the AJAX call.

var usernameRequest = { return { type: "get", url: "/usernameavailable/" + un } })
var usernameAvailable = usernameRequest.changes().ajax()


Performs an AJAX request and returns the results in an EventStream.

var results = Bacon.$.ajax("/get/results")


var results = Bacon.$.ajax({ url: "/get/results"})


Like above, but performs the AJAX call lazily, i.e. not before it has a subscriber.

Bacon.$.ajaxGet(url, data, dataType)

Bacon.$.ajaxGetJSON(url, data)

Bacon.$.ajaxPost(url, data, dataType)



Turns your Bacon Ajax stream back to $.Deferred. It's useful if you need to provide a solution for users who are not familiar with Bacon.

Model API

All the BJQ methods, such as textFieldValue return a Model object, which is a Bacon.js Property, but extends that API by the following methods.

Model API reference migrated to bacon.model

TODO: more

Use with AMD / RequireJS

The requirejs example-app uses RequireJS, like this:

  paths: {
    "bacon.jquery": "../dist/bacon.jquery",
    "bacon": "components/bacon/dist/Bacon",
    "jquery": "components/jquery/jquery"
require(["bacon.jquery", "jquery"], function(bjq, $) {
  left = bjq.textFieldValue($("#left"))
  right = bjq.textFieldValue($("#right"))
  right.assign($("#output"), "text")

The prebuilt javascript file can be found in the dist directory, or here.

The API can be accessed using Bacon.$ or like in the above example.

Use without AMD

The plain example-app uses RequireJS, like this:

So feel free to use plain old <script> tags to include Bacon, JQuery and BJQ.

The BJQ methods are exposed through Bacon.$, so you can call them as in Bacon.$.textFieldValue(..).

The prebuilt javascript file can be found in the dist directory, or here.

There's a plain example-app that uses script tags only.

Use with Node / Browserify

BJQ is registered in the NPM repository as bacon.jquery and works fine with node-browserify.

See the browserify example-app for an example.

Use with Bower

Registered to the Bower registry as bacon.jquery. See the Example Applications, for instance requirejs example-app.


The bacon.jquery module is built using NPM and Grunt.

To build, use npm install.

Built javascript files are under the dist directory.

Automatic tests

Use the npm test to run all tests.

Tests include mocha tests under the test directory, and mocha browser tests under the browsertest directory. The test script uses mocha-phantomjs to run the browser tests headless.

The browser tests can also be run by opening the browsertest/runner.html in the browser.

The tests are also run automatically on Travis CI. See build status below.

Build Status

What next?

See Issues.

If this seems like a good idea, please tell me so! If you'd like to contribute, please do! Pull Requests, Issues etc appreciated. Star this project to let me know that you care.