baffelli / covid-2019-measures

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Collecting and encoding the measures taken against the spread of COVID2019 in Switzerland


Since February 25, 2020 Switzerland has been affected by COVID-19. Modelling predictions show that this pandemic will not stop on its own and that stringent migitation strategies are needed. Switzerland has implemented a series of measures both at cantonal and federal level. The aim of this project is to collect and categorize these control measures and create a continuously updated data set, which can be used for modelling or visualization purposes. Please cite the DOI if you use this dataset.

This project is a collaborative effort by volunteers (see contributors below). The repository is open to contribution, please open an issue if you want to become a collaborator.


Data collection

We collect the date/duration and level of the most important measures taken in response to COVID-19 from official cantonal and federal press releases for each Kanton of Switzerland. The most current version is available for download in this repository.

We consider the following measures:

measure levels comment
carefacilities 0=no restriction, 1=restricted access, 2=access prohibited includes hospitals, nursing and disabled homes
casemanagement 0=no, 1=yes includes testing, isolation, quarantine and triage
daycare 0=no restriction, 1=restricted access or closed includes Krippe and Hort
events 0=no restriction, 1=events > 1000 persons banned, 2=events > 500 persons banned, 3=events > 100 persons banned, 4=events > 50 persons banned, 5=events > 10 persons banned, 6=events > 5 persons banned includes events and mass gatherings of any kind
stayathome 0=no, 1=yes Switzerland does not have an official "lockdown" policy in the sense of a shelter-in-place order. This category means a "strong recommendation to stay at home".
mobilityint 0=no restriction, 1=restriction of cross-border mobility, 2=closing of borders
publicoffices 0=no restriction, 1=closed includes public offices with counters such as tax office or vehicle registration office
publicplaces 0=no restriction, 1=closed includes museums, sports facilities, parks
publictransport 0=no restriction, 1=reduced
recommendations 0=no, 1=yes includes information campaigns and general recommendations such as respiratory hygiene and physical distancing
retailgastro 0=no restriction, 1=restricted access, 2=closure includes all non-essential retail, gastronomy and entertainment places as well as businesses with direct contact (hair dressers, massage,…)
schools 0=no restriction, 1=closed includes primary and secondary school as well as Kindergarten
universities 0=no restriction, 1=closed

The data are collected in a Google spreadsheet and updated periodically. The files are available for download from this repository with the date indicating the last update (file names measures_CH_2020-XX-XX.csv). The file measures_CH_2020.csv is the most recent version of the data as it is collected, but it may not be equally complete for all cantons. The file measures_detailed_CH.csv contains more details on the collected interventions, notably URL links to the respective cantonal or federal press releases.


For a visualization of the measures until 2020-06-04, see here. There is also a (simple) R Shiny app with visualizations and links to the press releases underlying the presented data.

Data usage

You are free to use these data under the CC-BY-NC creative commons license. Please cite this project whenever you use the data.

Workflow for colaborators


It is possible that some measures are missing because they were not communicated explicitly on the websites of the cantonal administrations. If you spot an error or want to make a suggestion for adding data, please open an issue.


Related projects

ARCHIVED: Raw initial data collection

Initially, we collected all information about all measures undertaken until 2020-04-06 verbatim in Google spreadsheets and categorized each item according to the categories below. From these raw data, we define the most important measures and aggregated the data set as described above to make it more useful for research. The original raw dataset is still available, but will not be updated.

varname description select
country ISO code of the country where the measure applies
unit administrative unit. Whenever possible, use the ISO_3166-2 code. For cities, use full name in German, French or Italian. For measures taken by private enterprises or organisations, use their full name
date_implemented date when the measure is implemented
date_lifted date when the measure is lifted
measure textual description of the measure
level level of the administrative unit cantonal, national, municipality, private
measure_cat category of measure case management, economic, mass gatherings, mobility, other, private institutions access, public institutions access, recommendations
measure_sub_cat subcategory of measure see below
source URL of the source
entered_by initials of who entered the data and set the categories
reviewed_by initials of who reviewed the categories

The measurements have the following subcategories:

measure_cat measure_sub_cat note law
case management contact tracing Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 15
case management isolation and self-isolation Isolation at home or in care facility of cases Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 35b
case management management of dead bodies Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 46
case management quarantine and self-quarantine isolation at home or in care facility of suspected cases or contacts Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 35a
case management testing
economic Including monetary or fiscal support, suspension of tax claims
mass gatherings ban of events / mass gatherings of > 10 persons Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2a
mass gatherings ban of events / mass gatherings of > 100 persons Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2a
mass gatherings ban of events / mass gatherings of > 1000 persons Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2a
mass gatherings ban of events / mass gatherings of > 5 persons Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2a
mass gatherings ban of events / mass gatherings of > 50 persons Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2a
mass gatherings ban of events / mass gatherings of > 500 persons Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2a
mass gatherings event permit required Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2a
mobility ban of cross-border mobility No incoming mobility allowed Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 41
mobility restriction of cross-border mobility Incoming mobility allowed for restricted purposes (e.g. work) Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 41
mobility shelter-in-place order, curfew Prohibited to leave the house except for essential errands
mobility stay-at-home recommendation Strong recommendation to stay and work from home
other Including suspension of elective surgeries or political events or reallocation of resources
retail_gastro_recreation ban of access to retail, gastronomy and recreation and businesses with close contact Including restaurants, bars, clubs, hair dressers, massage and beauty salons Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b
retail_gastro_recreation restriction of access to retail, gastronomy and recreation Including restriction on maximum number of people or minimum distance, business hours, restriction on use of infrastructure Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b
public institution access ban of access to public open areas and parks Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2c
public institution access ban of access to short- and long-term care facilites Including hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and disabled homes Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b, Art. 19, 2d
public institution access closure of day care Includes Kita Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b
public institution access closure of public places (museums, sports facilities, ..) Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b
public institution access closure of public offices and counters Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b
public institution access closure of schools Schools including Kindergarten Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b
public institution access closure of universities Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b
public institution access restriction of access to short- and long-term care facilites Including hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and disabled homes Swiss Epidemics Act, Art. 40, 2b, Art. 19, 2d
recommendation_information Including information campaigns and recommendations for hand washing, respiratory hygiene and physical distancing, establishment of hotlines