bahmutov / cypress-repeat

Run Cypress multiple times in a row
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Run Cypress multiple times in a row, great at finding test flake

Read Wrap Cypress Using NPM Module API and Retry, Rerun, Repeat.


npm i -D cypress-repeat
# or using Yarn
yarn add -D cypress-repeat

This module assumes the cypress dependency v5.3.0+ has been installed.


npx cypress-repeat run -n <N> ... rest of "cypress run" arguments

Which will run Cypresss <N> times, exiting after the first failed run or after all runs finish successfully.

Until passes

You can flip the logic and run Cypress up to N times until the first successful exit

npx cypress-repeat run -n <N> --until-passes ... rest of "cypress run" arguments

Rerun only failed Specs

You can rerun only the specs that failed

npx cypress-repeat run -n <N> --until-passes --rerun-failed-only ... rest of "cypress run" arguments

Env variables

Every run has two utility variables injected

const n = Cypress.env('cypress_repeat_n') // total repeat attempts
const k = Cypress.env('cypress_repeat_k') // current attempt, starts with 1
                                          // and is <= n


Run this script with environment variable DEBUG=cypress-repeat to see verbose logs

What about test retries?

This NPM module retries the entire Cypress run, if you need to retry just the failed tests, use the Test Retries.