bakatz / SpotMute

A blacklist and volume control application for Spotify. Supports automatic ad detection. Currently on version 0.4; requires .NET 4.0 to run.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SpotMute v0.4

A simple blacklist and volume control application for Spotify. Uses a blacklist and Spotify's Web API to determine what songs to automatically skip for you. If a song cannot be skipped, some happy elevator music will be played over the song, and the song's individual volume will be reduced to 2%.


Important Links


  1. Click start.
  2. Verify that SpotMute has detected the current song.
  3. Click 'block artist' to block all songs by the current artist, or 'block song' to block the current song.
  4. To remove songs/artists off the blacklist, navigate to Edit -> "Blacklist Contents...". You can also add artists/songs manually here.

Note: pressing stop will reset your volume to what it was before the mute operation. Second note: If you don't like the replacement music, replace elevator.mp3 with your own music (but be sure to rename your music elevator.mp3!)

Feature suggestions are appreciated and accepted at the given email. Thanks for checking out SpotMute!