bakercp-archive / ofMinGW

[Archived] The toolchain for compiling MinGW-based openFrameworks projects on Windows.
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What is this?

A preconfigured MinGW setup for compiling openFrameworks applications and 3rd party libraries (via openFrameworks' Apothecary scripts).

It is also used as the toolchain for ofSketch on Windows.

How was it made?

This folder is created by following the instructions here:


How do I use it?

Double click ofMinGW.bat.

This will give you a command prompt with the paths set correctly to compile using GCC / MinGW.

It doesn't seem to work.

It has been tested extensively on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 with openFrameworks 0.8.4. For all other platforms, please submit an issue in the repository.