baking-bad / beacon-dotnet-sdk

Beacon .NET SDK for Tezos wallet developers to seamlessly connect to multiple dApps
MIT License
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beacon-sdk interaction tezos wallet

Beacon .NET SDK


Beacon is the implementation of the wallet interaction standard tzip-10 which describes the connnection of a dApp with a wallet.

Supported Platforms


Beacon .NET SDK is available on NuGet:

dotnet add package Beacon.Sdk


For a complete example, refer to Dapp sample or to Wallet sample.

Wallet workflow

Here is step by step guide how to create and use WalletBeaconClient:

1. Create

Use BeaconClientFactory to create an instance of WalletBeaconClient

const string path = "wallet-beacon-sample.db";

var factory = new WalletBeaconClientFactory();

var options = new BeaconOptions
    AppName = "Wallet sample",
    AppUrl = "",
    IconUrl = "",
    KnownRelayServers = Constants.KnownRelayServers,

    // for some operating systems compability reasons we should use Mode=Exclusive for LiteDB.
    DatabaseConnectionString = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)
        ? $"Filename={path}; Connection=Shared;"
        : $"Filename={path}; Mode=Exclusive;"

// creating test logger, you can provide your own app-context logger here.
Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

ILoggerProvider loggerProvider = new SerilogLoggerProvider(Logger);

IWalletBeaconClient beaconWalletClient = BeaconClientFactory.Create<IWalletBeaconClient>(options, loggerProvider);

2. Start listening for incoming events

To listen for the incoming Beacon messages you need to subscribe to OnBeaconMessageReceived;

beaconWalletClient.OnBeaconMessageReceived += async (object? sender, BeaconMessageEventArgs args) =>
    BaseBeaconMessage message = args.Request;
    if (message == null) return;

    case BeaconMessageType.permission_request:
        if (message is not PermissionRequest permissionRequest)

        // here we give all permissions that dApp request, you can modify permissionRequest.Scopes
        var response = new PermissionResponse(
            id: permissionRequest.Id,
            senderId: beaconWalletClient.SenderId,
            appMetadata: beaconWalletClient.Metadata,
            network: permissionRequest.Network,
            scopes: permissionRequest.Scopes,
            publicKey: "your tezos wallet address public key",
            version: permissionRequest.Version);

        await beaconWalletClient.SendResponseAsync(receiverId: permissionRequest.SenderId, response);

    case BeaconMessageType.sign_payload_request:
        if (message is not SignPayloadRequest signRequest)

        // do some stuff here and send response. 

    case BeaconMessageType.operation_request:
        if (message is not OperationRequest operationRequest)

        // do some stuff here and send response. 

        var error = new BeaconAbortedError(
            id: KeyPairService.CreateGuid(),
            senderId: beaconWalletClient.SenderId);

        await beaconWalletClient.SendResponseAsync(receiverId: message.SenderId, error);

You can also subscribe to

beaconWalletClient.OnConnectedClientsListChanged += (object sender, ConnectedClientsListChangedEventArgs e) => {}

This event is triggered at the moments of issuing permissions or disconnecting peers, it's good to change your connected apps list here.

I recommend that you don't use anonymous functions to subscribe to events if you have to unsubscribe from the event at some later point in your code.

3. Init

await beaconWalletClient.InitAsync()

4. Connect


5. Add Peer

string pairingQrCode = "paste-qrcode-here";

var pairingRequest = beaconWalletClient.GetPairingRequest(pairingQrCode);
await beaconWalletClient.AddPeerAsync(pairingRequest);

6. Disconnect


Wallet demo

Follow these steps to reproduce the typical wallet workflow:

  1. Clone this repo and restore nuget packages
  2. Open Beacon playground, scroll to Setup and press " Run Code"
  3. Choose "Pair wallet on another device" and click on the QR code to copy
  4. Start Beacon.Sdk.Sample.Wallet sample project (make wallet-sample)
  5. Paste copied QR code to console
  6. In the browser you should see "Got permissions" message, sample project response with all requested permissions to dApp
  7. Scroll down to "Operation Request" item and do the "Run Code" thing again
  8. You should see the successful operation message

Take a look at the Wallet sample project.

Dapp workflow

Here is step by step guide how to create and use DappBeaconClient:

1. Create

Use BeaconClientFactory to create an instance of DappBeaconClient

IDappBeaconClient beaconDappClient = BeaconClientFactory.Create<IDappBeaconClient>(options, loggerProvider);

Options are same as during WalletBeaconClient creation

2. Start listening for incoming events

To listen for the incoming responses from wallet you need to subscribe to OnBeaconMessageReceived

beaconDappClient.OnBeaconMessageReceived += async (object? sender, BeaconMessageEventArgs args) =>
     if (args.PairingDone)
         var network = new Network
             Type = NetworkType.mainnet,
             Name = "mainnet",
             RpcUrl = ""

         var permissionScopes = new List<PermissionScope>

         // after pairing complete we request permissions from wallet
         await BeaconDappClient.RequestPermissions(permissionScopes, network);

     var message = args.Request;
     if (message == null) return;

     // almost like as in WalletClient, but we receiving Reponses here and sending Requests
     switch (message.Type)
         case BeaconMessageType.permission_response:
             if (message is not PermissionResponse)

             // do some stuff here and send response.

         case BeaconMessageType.operation_response:
         // ...

         case BeaconMessageType.sign_payload_response:
         // ...

OnConnectedClientsListChanged also available as in DappBeaconClient. They both inherited from BaseBeaconClient class

3. Init

await beaconDappClient.InitAsync()

4. Connect


5. Get pairing request data if we need pairing

var pairingRequestQrData = beaconDappClient.GetPairingRequestInfo();

Copy pairingRequestQrData and paste it to Beacon wallet

6. Try get active account

var activeAccountPermissions = beaconDappClient.GetActiveAccount();

7. If active account is not null we can

beaconDappClient.RequestPermissions(permissionScopes, network);
beaconDappClient.RequestSign(PayloadToSign, SignPayloadType.raw);

8. Disconnect


Dapp demo

Follow these steps to reproduce a typical dapp workflow:

  1. Clone this repo and restore nuget packages
  2. Start Beacon.Sdk.Sample.Dapp project (make dapp-sample)
  3. Go to and create account (or connect your wallet)
  4. Copy pairing data string from console, paste it to the site, and press "Connect"
  5. You should see that Beacon wallet received permissions from Beacon.Sdk.Sample.Dapp ("Messages" section)
  6. You can print sign command in console to send sign request to the wallet
  7. You can print operation command in console to send operation request to the wallet

Take a look at the Dapp sample project.