balala8 / FastViT_pytorch

Unofficial FastViT, reproduced using pytorch
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This is an unofficial replication of FastViT using PyTorch. The research paper titled "FastViT: A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization" is the source of this work. You can find the paper FastViT: A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization


There are some details in the paper that were not published, maybe I missed it.

  1. Activate the function The paper does not give which activation function to use, I used ReLU
  2. In the first reparameterization block of the stem, the first and second convolutional branches utilize a stride of 2 (S=2) for downsampling, but the BatchNorm layers are not downsampling. However, their outputs are still added together. The same situation also occurs in the Patch Embedding process. In the replication, the BatchNorm layers have been removed.
  3. In Figure 2, the number of Patch Embeddings block is 3, but in Table 2, the number of Patch Embeddings block is 4.

Parameters And FLOPs

Model Parameters (M) FLOPs (G) Image Size
Official T8 3.6 0.7 256
Replicate T8 3.418 0.67 256
Official T12 6.8 1.4 256
Replicate T12 6.662 1.365 256
Official S12 8.8 1.8 256
Replicate S12 8.582 1.768 256
Official SA12 10.9 1.9 256
Replicate SA12 10.677 1.911 256
Official SA24 20.6 3.8 256
Replicate SA24 20.629 3.742 256
Official SA36 30.4 5.6 256
Replicate SA36 30.581 5.574 256
Official MA36 42.7 7.9 256
Replicate MA36 42.877 7.793 256


Install PyTorch and FvCore (use this library in the paper to count the number of parameters and calculations)

pip install pytorch
pip install fcvore

just run



Training on ImageNet1K is in progress. If anyone is willing to contribute by uploading and sharing their trained weights, it would be greatly appreciated.