balanced / forex

Our foreign currency conversion service.
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Foreign Currency Support

This document contains an overview of all of the changes that will be need to made for Balanced to support foreign currency.

What is Foreign Currency Support?

Currently, as a seller on a Balanced-powered marketplace, all of my prices are set in USD. If someone from Europe with an account denominated in EUR purchases something from me, their bank will charge them a foreign exchange fee.

Forex support in Balanced will allow sellers to sell things in other currencies, such as EUR. This way, the buyer will not pay their bank the exchange fee, and will see the full, round number on their account statement.

Even though the seller charges in EUR, it will hit their account in USD. Everything else stays the same. Eventually, we hope to offer 'multicurrency' support, which would allow sellers to have different escrow accounts in different currencies. Because we can not yet pay out sellers outside the US, this feature is not yet necessary.

Balanced will charge a 2% fee for providing this service. This is consistent with Stripe.

If a charge that was initiated in EUR gets refunded, the buyer will be refunded in EUR, at the same amount. The seller may end up taking a small hit if the exchange rate has changed in the period between the charge and the refund. This is consistent with Stripe, and our decision to place risk on the seller rather than the buyer whenever it's unclear who should take it on.

We should decide how many currencies we want to expose. Stripe pulled out 139 at launch. We may want to just start with GBP and EUR, or we may want to do all of the ones Litle supports. This is primarily a marketing decision, and doesn't affect development much.


Most importantly, we need overall documentation. While this documentation is mostly team-facing and high-level, we will also need to modify our charge, capture, and refund API documentation, and should probably create a separate guide for foreign currency support.

In addition, all of the services will need to have their individual documentation updated, since the interfaces will be getting additions.

Client libraries could probably use examples added of how to use the already-existing forex support.


The dashboard already shows the full details of the responses, so there doesn't need to be any specific changes. However, we can do better than that: it'd probably be good to expose which charges were in a different currency, and allow you to search/sort by currency type.

These changes will be largely cosmetic, because 1.1 already has the currency field.


As just mentioned, balanced needs few changes, as it already accepts a currency type as well as an amount.

However, it currently does not pass this information along to precog, which just understands integer cents. So the changes to balanced will simply be around relaxing the restriction on that field to non-USD.

The other change in balanced will be exposing more details about how we collect fees. Right now, we expose nothing, but we should show our fee and the forex fee separately. This change will be entirely additive.


precog is where reporting is done, and so it needs to be able to understand exactly what is charged and where.

It will need to be modified to record the differences between our fee and the forex fee.

It will need to be able to query forex to find out what that fee is.

It will need to be modified to use a unit of currency and an amount, rather than be solely USD cents, and it will need to pass that information upstream to knox.


Knox currently only operates in USD cents, and so will need to be modified to handle a currency type and amount.

Currently, marketplaces are 1-1 with MIDs, mostly. There are also some that share a MID. So we'll need to fix that, and make marketplaces 1-N with MIDs. This is because that's how Litle handles charging in different currencies.

Noah brought up a small concern regarding 'backflow' from Knox. Basically, Knox cannot directly connect to precog, and instead publishes to a queue that precog subscribes to, and he's not sure why that decision was made. But, this connection becomes more important after this change, since knox needs to confirm with precog that the rate Litle actually gave us is the one that they said they'd give us. We should make sure that's reliable.


forex is a new service that is the definitive source of information about foreign currency services. This functionality could have just been placed inside of precog, but SOA is about making services that control different parts of your application, and given that precog is about determining fraud, it felt right to move it. This is consistent with the precog/balanced/knox split, as well as Billy being a separate service.

forex's primary job is to understand and communicate the rate at which we exchange currencies for one another.

In practice, this boils down to proxying to two services and doing some math. This demonstrates exactly why it's a good idea to make this a separate service, as we can still provide forex services if our upstream conversion providers experience downtime, as well as swap out different providers without changing anything else in the system.

Coinbase will be our provider for BTC conversions. The 'spike' branch of the forex repository contains a simple implementation of proxying out to Coinbase. Their API for this is very straightforward.

Litle will be for other currencies. Litle says they use the Visa daily rate, which I do not have a definitive answer as to where to get it yet. I remember vaguely having a conversation which suggests they give it to us through FTP every day, but I am not 100% sure. Regardless, we will source it from somewhere.

Keeping with our hypermedia theme, forex will use Collection+JSON to expose the rates. CJ is a media type very specific to lists, and also contains forms. Therefore, it is perfect for this 'query and give me a list of results' kind of service.

Steve will need to develop a profile for the CJ to follow. The spike demonstrated that it will be very simple, with less than five link relations and data types.

Client libraries

Our client libraries already have support for multi-currency, because 1.1 has the field in the API already. As mentioned in the documentation section, some examples would be nice to add.