balancer / backend

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Balancer API

Welcome to Balancer's API. This guide will help you get started with using the API and accessing the data locked in Balancer's contracts.

Getting started

The API is running as a graphql server and is deployed at:

Use cases

Queries are organised around these main domains:

To query specific data refer to the API's documentation. Click top left to show the Documentation Explorer.

Most of the queries will take one or multiple chain as an argument. The usage of the chainId header is deprecated!


How to get the pool's details including APRs.

  poolGetPool(id: "0x7f2b3b7fbd3226c5be438cde49a519f442ca2eda00020000000000000000067d", chain:MAINNET) {
    allTokens {
    poolTokens {
    dynamicData {
      aprItems {

Query all pools on Arbitrum and Avalanche that have TVL greater than $10k:

  poolGetPools(where: {chainIn: [AVALANCHE, ARBITRUM], minTvl: 10000}) {

Query the SOR to swap 1 WETH to USDC

    chain: MAINNET
    swapAmount: "1"
    swapType: EXACT_IN
    tokenIn: "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2"
    tokenOut: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"
  ) {
    priceImpact {

Pricing of tokens

First of all, for a token to be able to have a price it must be allowed, meaning it must be added to the tokenlist. This must happen before any pricing can occur.

To price a token there are various handlers that will try to price a token. These handlers take priority over each other. This means that as soon as a handler can price a token, it will not be price by another handler. These handlers, order by priority, are:

  1. Protocol specific handlers such as Aave or fbeets where prices can be infered via on-chain calls and underlying token prices
  2. Coingecko
  3. BPT price handler ($TVL/totalShares)
  4. Swaps (When ever a token is swapped with a token that has a price, the original token's price is inferred relative to the swapped token)

In addition to this, there are manual interventions possible:

  1. If a token has a wrong Coingecko feed, it can be excluded by adding an override like this extensions: { coingeckoId: null, },.
  2. If a token does not have a Coingecko feed on a specific chain, or can be priced using a different token's Coingecko feed, the Coingecko ID can be overridden with another ID like this extensions: { coingeckId: 'gyroscope-gyd', },.


Project setup

Prepare .env file

Rename env.local file to .env.

For the sanity content to work, you need to set the SANITY_API_TOKEN.

Generate gql types

There are 2 kinds of graphql types to generate. We have types for interacting with the different subgraphs, and the types for our exposed graphql api schema. Run yarn generate to generate all gql types

Setup empty database & Prisma

Start docker container and manually set up your database (For setup from backup, read below)

First we need to spin up the database, there is a docker-compose file with a postgres database configured. Spin it up by running docker-compose up -d.

Apply prisma migrations

Run yarn prisma migrate dev to apply all database migrations.

Generate prisma client

Run yarn prisma generate to generate the prisma client. Usually this is already done by applying the migrations

Run mutations to initialize fill database with intial data

Trigger the following mutations when you start from a clean DB:


Setup database & Prisma from backup

Retrieve the current pg_dump file under Database dumps are kept for the previous 7 days, replace YYYYMMDD in the URL above (ie: 20230317) to download a db dump.

Run docker-compose up -d to start the database via docker compose.

Run docker exec -i $(docker ps -qf "name=balancer-backend") /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=let-me-in psql --username backend database" < /path/on/your/machine/dump

The output at the very end saying ERROR: role "rdsadmin" does not exist is normal and can be ignored.

Run locally

yarn start:local

Branching and deployment environments

We run a canary and a production (called main) deployment environment. The canary environment is built from the v3-canary branch and the production deployment is built from the v3-main branch. The environments can be accessed through the following links:


To contribute, branch from v3-canary (which is our development branch) and open a PR against v3-canary once the feature is complete. It will be reviewed and eventually merged into v2-canary.

Database Updates

If you make any changes to the database schema be sure to run yarn prisma migrate dev --name <change_name> which will create a new file in prisma/migrations that contains all the database changes you've made as an SQL update script.