balangs / eTeak

A GALS Synthesiser for the Balsa language
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how to work with eTeak GUI #11

Open imanazari70 opened 8 years ago

imanazari70 commented 8 years ago

Hi, guys, I have downloaded the virtual machine, named as '' eTeak[1]'', and opened it using VMware. I followed the instructions in this address, till the following commands: stack setup --upgrade-cabal

stack build

stack exec -- eTeak --gui

But later, a blank GUI has been opened. eteak 1

Now, I don't know how to continue my job toward executing the first example, e.g. the shifter, in this GUI?

Thanks for your time.


Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure why this issue is titled how to install eTeak as GUI runs well apparently and it shows the framework is installed properly. Please make sure you choose the right title for the issue you're posting as it avoids confusion for later references. By running stack exec -- eTeak --help you should see a list of flags for using the synthesiser. you could also see try --gui-usage to get more info about using the interface. As an example you can simply generate asynchronous verilog netlists by running stack exec -- eTeak --gates <Balsa File>, this takes example.v library as default. next, you can use the top level test suite in ./test_suit to test your design.

imanazari70 commented 8 years ago

I have followed your instruction and hopefully it worked. But when I tried to test it using test suit, I encountered the following error: ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/eTeak/examples/test$ stack exec -- eTeak --gates test.balsa ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/eTeak/examples/test$ cd .. ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/eTeak/examples$ cd .. ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/eTeak$ ./test_suit/ ++ OPTS=-O ++ LATCHES='-L -l loop=1' ++ '[' yes = no ']' ++ '[' yes = no ']' ++ '[' yes = no ']' ++ '[' yes = yes ']' ++ cver +define+TKR_STR_COUNT=10000 monitors.v /home/mahdi/Desktop/teak/runtime/verilog/runtime.v ./test_suit/ line 74: cver: command not found ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/eTeak$ Can you please elaborate on this issue?

Mahdi89 commented 8 years ago

GPL Cver is just a Verilog simulator, which is apparently not supported by the recent Ubuntu distributions. I'd suggest installing iverilog which is handy and easy to use. After installation you'd need to iverilog m_harness -o foo.out and then execute the output by ./foo.out

chenrh1995 commented 5 years ago

I have just learned balsa language, and I am not familiar with shell language. I have already installed the eteak virtual machine and cver simulator.

I want to know if I need any other file except balsa design files to test my design, and how to start the simulation in eteak. Should I write a sh file for my design, or run any existing sh file?

Thanks for your time.