balangs / eTeak

A GALS Synthesiser for the Balsa language
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NOTE: eTeak's GALS/synchronous backend is available for teaching and academic research. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information. The current version is the asynchronous (dual-rail 4-phase RTZ) beackend and is available to public. Moreover eTeak's multiple-clock syntehsis feature is a WIP by the APT group of the University of Manchetser, UK.

The eTeak Synthesis Framework

This is eTeak. A synchronous/asycnhronous synthesis backend for the CSP-based language of Balsa. eTeak inherits the following from its predecessor system, Teak:

What's new about eTeak:

Despite the fact that there are many High-Level Synthesis tools developed in Academia and Industry, just a handful of them provide the source code for the researchers including LegUP and Chisel (which has been rebranded from a HLS tool to a HDL flow suitable for constructing large-scale hardware). eTeak is the first open-source framework that exploits asynchronous synthesis techniques to realise fine-grained synchronous circuits capable of running at different clock frequencies.

Building and running

Install stack

If you're building from git, first you need to

install automake autoconf libgtk2.0-dev

If you've done that or you're building from tarball, proceed to:

stack setup --upgrade-cabal

stack build 

stack exec -- eTeak --gui


Download eTeak on a Virtual Machine

Please download our provided VirtualBox machine image to easily run eTeak on a Linux, Windows or Apple machine. The virtual machine is running Ubuntu 15.04 with the required packages for installing eTeak. Therefore you could either use the installed version by running stack exec -- eTeak --gui in the $HOME/Desktop/eTeak-master directory or cloning the git repository using git clone You'd need to go through the steps above to build the stack.

Top level layout


eTeak's synchronous (Elastic) and GALS extensions have been sponsored by EPSRC Full Research Scholarship under research grant EP/I038306/1 from 2012 to 2015 and EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship 2015/15.

References Publications