balderdashy / sails-hook-subapps

Sails hook for including child Sails apps into a parent app
18 stars 3 forks source link


Offering zero support for this right now, use at your own risk and know that parts may change substantially. Requires Sails v0.11.x.

Holy smokes, it's the "plugin" we've all been waiting for.

In your sails.config.subapps:

module.exports.subapps = {
  blog: {
    connections: {
      main: 'localDiskDb'

In your app's subapps/blog/config/models.js:

module.exports.models = {

  connection: 'main',
  migrate: 'alter'


This will mount a subapp on /blog by default, so going to http://localhost:1337/blog/foo will load the /foo route from the Sails located in subapps/blog. Models in the blog app will use the localDiskDb connection from the main Sails app. Probably want to set that connection to use fileName: "disk.db" or something, otherwise each subapp will use its own database file.

More info to come.