balena-io-modules / scrutinizer

Extract a git repository's metadata relying on open source conventions
Apache License 2.0
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Extract a git repository's metadata relying on open source conventions


Install scrutinizer by running:

npm install --save scrutinizer


scrutinizer.local(gitRepository, options) ⇒ Promise

Kind: static method of scrutinizer
Summary: Examine a local git repository directory
Access: public
Fulfil: Object - examination results

Param Type Description
gitRepository String path to git repository
options Object options
options.reference String git reference to check
[options.progress] function progress callback (state)
[options.whitelistPlugins] Array.<String> list of plugins to run. Matches all if empty


scrutinizer.local('./foo/bar/baz', {
  reference: 'master',
  progress: (state) => {
}).then((results) => {

scrutinizer.remote(gitRepository, options) ⇒ Promise

If $GITHUB_TOKEN is set, it will be used to authenticate with GitHub to increase rate-limiting.

Kind: static method of scrutinizer
Summary: Examine a remote git repository url
Access: public
Fulfil: Object - examination results

Param Type Description
gitRepository String git repository url
options Object options
options.reference String git reference to check
[options.progress] function progress callback (state)
[options.whitelistPlugins] Array.<String> list of plugins to run. Matches all if empty


scrutinizer.remote('', {
  reference: 'master',
  progress: (state) => {
}).then((results) => {


Our test suite contains integration test cases that run this module against real projects. For that reason, we maintain a set of git submodules in test/repositories, where the actual test cases that assert their results live in test/e2e.

  1. Fetch all git submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Set $GITHUB_TOKEN, to increase rate-limiting

  2. Run the test npm script:

npm test

You may enable debug information by setting DEBUG=scrutinizer*.


Before submitting a PR, please make sure that you include tests, and that the linter runs without any warning:

npm run lint

One of the most valuable things you can contribute to this project is implement or improve plugins, which are small functions whose duty is to extract a certain facet about the repository, like license information.

  1. Create a new file in lib/plugins, like myplugin.js

  2. Export a function that takes a single argument, backend, which contains every function you need to interact with a git repository, like reading a file

Make sure you use the backend object instead of falling back to fs or an API call, so the plugin works fine in both local and remote modes.

You can do whatever you need here, including checking out other branches. scrutinizer will make sure the project is properly reset before calling another plugin.

  1. Add the new plugin to BUILTIN_PLUGINS in lib/index.js

  2. Update test cases in test/e2e


If you're having any problem, please raise an issue on GitHub.


This project is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license.