balena-os / balena-os-device-support

A list of current, proposed and planned future supported boards
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balenaOS device support

A list of current, proposed and planned future balena supported boards

Checkout our board to track board support: Stories in Ready

Suggesting a New Board

To submit or suggest a new board, create a new issue to this repo and include the following in the ticket:

CPU: Add CPU or SoC info of the board, architecture, etc.

GPU: Add GPU info if relevant

Memory: Amount of onboard RAM the board has

Storage: Add storage options if relevant, for example some boards boot from eMMC

Features: Any additional features the board has.

Link: A URL to more info about the board

It would also be very useful to know if the board already has a yocto BSP layer.

Seconding a New Board Suggestion

If you find a board among the ones already suggested that you'd like to see supported, you can second it by going into the issue, and adding a "thumbs up" to the issue description. You can do that like this:

These thumbs up would help us recognize which boards are popular in the community and direct our priorities!