balglave / FishMap
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.github/workflows/R-CMD-check Codecov test

The goal of FishMap is to map fish distribution using both preferentially sampled data (e.g., commercial catch data) and standardized data (e.g., survey data). It is based on a joint spatio-temporal hierarchical model that accounts for preferential sampling - see Alglave et al. (2022) and Alglave et al. (2023). The inference of the spatio-temporal field is performed using TMB and the SPDE approach to enhance the algorithm's speed.

N.b. The package is currently being updated as some functions rely on the packages rgdal, raster and sp that are now deprecated.



You must install INLA. Checkout INLA doc to upgrade INLA. Your INLA version should satisfy the minimal required version for running FishMap (22.12.16).

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("graph", "Rgraphviz"), dep=TRUE)

install.packages("INLA",repos=c(getOption("repos"),INLA=""), dep=TRUE)

You must install TMB. The installation of TMB requires compiler tools. If you are installing from Windows machine, make sure that your Rtools installation is matching your R-version. Your TMB version should satisfy the minimal required version for running FishMap (1.9.2).



You can install the development version of FishMap from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


You can install the development version of FishMap together with the vignettes with:

# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("balglave/FishMap", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Installing with build_vignettes = TRUE will allow you to access the vignettes locally. Once you have installed FishMap with vignettes, you can access them using the command vignette(package = "FishMap").


Full documentation website on:
In particular, you can follow this vignette:

vignette("user-running-fishmap", package = "FishMap")

Unit tests in the package :

Writing unit tests is an essential practice in software development that can greatly improve the quality and maintainability of your code. Here are some of the key reasons why writing unit tests is important:

Overall, unit testing is a critical practice that can improve the quality, maintainability, and reliability of your software. By investing time and effort into writing good tests, you can ensure that your code works as intended and can adapt to changing requirements and user needs.

You’ll find under this link, the testdown report that describe the tests implemented for this package and you will find in this vignette the technical choices made for the realization of these tests.


This workflow is intended for developers, it summaries the structure of the package. For each flat file in the dev/ folder, you have a set of defined functions as well as the list of files generated from the flat file when running the fusen::inflate() command.


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:


# Read internal data as Rds files
survey_data_file <- system.file("original_data",
                                package = "FishMap"

survey_data <- readr::read_rds(file = survey_data_file)

vmslogbook_data_file <- system.file("original_data",
                                package = "FishMap"

vmslogbook_data <- readr::read_rds(file = vmslogbook_data_file)

study_domain_file <- system.file("original_data",
                                package = "FishMap"

study_domain <- readr::read_rds(file = study_domain_file)

# prepare and load model inputs
fm_data_inputs <- fm_load_data(species = "Solea_solea",
                         fleet = c("OTB_DEF_>=70_0","OTB_CEP_>=70_0","OTT_DEF_>=70_0"),
                         fitted_data = "biomass",
                         survey_data = survey_data,
                         vmslogbook_data = vmslogbook_data,
                         study_domain = study_domain,
                         year_start = 2018,
                         year_end = 2018,
                         month_start = 11,
                         month_end = 11,
                         time_step = "Month",
                         k = 0.25,
                         grid_xmin = -6,
                         grid_xmax = 0,
                         grid_ymin = 42,
                         grid_ymax = 48)

# Fit the model
fm_model_results <- fm_fit_model(fm_data_inputs = fm_data_inputs,
                                 SE = 1,
                                 data_source = 1,
                                 data_obs = 2,
                                 samp_process = 0,
                                 b_constraint = 2,
                                 cov_samp_process = 0,
                                 biomass_temporal = 1,
                                 sampling_temporal = 0,
                                 lf_link = 0,
                                 ref_data = "com",
                                 EM = "est_b",
                                 month_ref = 1)

# Generate figure outputs
fm_generate_graphs(fm_model_results = fm_model_results)

Code of Conduct

Please note that the FishMap project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.