balkanpy / gw2dps

guild wars 2 dps meter
20 stars 7 forks source link

Note for anyone playing around with the code: For 1.0, win32api, win32gui and win32con libraries are required. They can be downloaded by installing ActivePython, or using pip.

pip install win32api pip install win32gui pip install win32con

Guild Wars 2 DPS meter.

gw2dps meter calculates the damage per second taken by the selected targeted. It does this by periodically sampling the target's health and appling a timed running average. This app does not modify the guild wars 2 client, it only reads process memory. It is written in python using tkinter, and it is just like any other regulard window program.

See requirements to get it do display ontop of guild wars.

If multiple players are attacking the same takrget the DPS displayed will be a sum of the DPS of all the players. This occurins because it measures the DPS taken by a target. To measure your own personal DPS, make sure you are the only one attacking your target.

USSAGE: Start Guild Wars 2, and wait for it to load into the Character Select Screen before starting the DPS Meter.

As of v0.5-alpha, there are two DPS values displayes.

Instant: DPS calculated over 1 second. This is done by acquiring 4 samples at 250ms, then summed up. The sample window is then moved by 250ms. So the displayed value is actually for the previous 1s.

Sustained: Same as instant but done over 5 seconds.

Note: If you lick on the app, it will take mouse and keyboard focus away from the game, so position it somehwere you won't accidently press on it. I like to place at the top of the window where the target's health bar appears.




This program reads guild wars 2 process memory to get the target health. This may be viewed as illegal based on the guild wars 2 agreement. I take no responsability if a ban occur because of htis app

Personally i think getting banned for using this is exteremely unlikely, so use at your own discretion.

Software info: PYTHON 2.7.3 PYINSTALLER 2.1 used for packaging as exe.