ballj / terraform-kubernetes-postgresql

Terraform module to create a PostgreSQL server
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Terraform Kubernetes PostgreSQL

This terraform module deploys a PostgreSQL statefulset into a kubernetes cluster.


module "postgresql" {
  source        = "ballj/postgresql/kubernetes"
  version       = "~> 1.2"
  namespace     = "production"
  object_prefix = "myapp-db"
  database_name = "myapp_db"
  labels        = {
    "" = "myapp"


StatefulSets Variables

Variable Required Default Description
namespace Yes N/A Kubernetes namespace to deploy into
object_prefix Yes N/A Unique name to prefix all objects with
database_name Yes N/A Database to create on startup
username No dbuser Database user to add
password_secret No "" Database secret containing passwords - See below
password_key No password Database key containing user password
labels No N/A Common labels to add to all objects - See example
image_name No bitnami/postgresql Image to deploy as part of deployment
image_tag No 13.3.0-debian-10-r12 Image tag to deploy
service_account_name No "" Service account to attach to the pod
timeout_create No 3m Timeout for creating the deployment
timeout_update No 3m Timeout for updating the deployment
timeout_delete No 10m Timeout for deleting the deployment
annotations No {} Annotations to add to the statefulset
template_annotations No {} Annotations to add to the template (recreate pods)
resources_requests_cpu No null The minimum amount of compute resources required
resources_requests_memory No null The minimum amount of compute resources required
resources_limits_cpu No null The maximum amount of compute resources allowed
resources_limits_memory No null The maximum amount of compute resources allowed
wait_for_rollout No true Wait for the StatefulSet to finish rolling out
pod_management_policy No OrderedReady Controls how pods are created during scaling
update_strategy No RollingUpdate Strategy to use, OnDelete or RollingUpdate
update_partition No [] Ordinal at which the set should be partitioned
min_ready_seconds No 1 Minimum time to consider pods ready
max_ready_seconds No 600 Maximum time for pod to be ready before failure
revision_history No 4 Number of ReplicaSets to retain
pvc_name No "" Name of the PVC to mount for persistent storage
empty_dir_medium No "" Medium of empty_dir if no PVC is specified
empty_dir_size No "" Size of empty_dir created if no pvc is specified
security_context_enabled No true Prevents deployment from running as root
security_context_uid No 1001 User to run deployment as
security_context_uid No 1001 Group to run deployment as
env No {} Environment variables to add
env_secret No [] Environmentvariables to add from secrets
password_autocreate_length No 16 Length of the automatically generated password
password_autocreate_special No false Use special characters in the generated password
readiness_probe_enabled No true Enable the readyness probe
readiness_probe_initial_delay No 30 Initial delay of the probe in seconds
readiness_probe_period No 10 Period of the probe in seconds
readiness_probe_timeout No 1 Timeout of the probe in seconds
readiness_probe_success No 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
readiness_probe_failure No 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
liveness_probe_enabled No true Enable the readyness probe
liveness_probe_initial_delay No 30 Initial delay of the probe in seconds
liveness_probe_period No 10 Period of the probe in seconds
liveness_probe_timeout No 1 Timeout of the probe in seconds
liveness_probe_success No 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
liveness_probe_failure No 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
startup_probe_enabled No true Enable the readyness probe
startup_probe_initial_delay No 30 Initial delay of the probe in seconds
startup_probe_period No 10 Period of the probe in seconds
startup_probe_timeout No 1 Timeout of the probe in seconds
startup_probe_success No 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
startup_probe_failure No 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the probe

Service Variables

Variable Required Default Description
service_type No ClusterIP Service type to deploy
service_port No 5432 External port for service
service_annotations No {} Annotations to add to service
service_session_affinity No None Session persistence setting
service_traffic_policy No Local External traffic policy - Local or External
labels No N/A Common labels to add to all objects - See example


Persistance is achieved by mounting PVCs into the container. This is achieve by providing a PVC name in the pvc_name variable.


The module supports 3 password mechanisms:

  1. Pass a file using an injector such as vault-injector and using env variable
  2. Pass the secret name to the variable password_secret
  3. Let the module auto generate a secret and output the name

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be set by providing a map to the env variable:

module "redis" {
  source        = "ballj/postgresql/kubernetes"
  version       = "~> 1.0"
  namespace     = "production"
  object_prefix = "myapp-db"
  env = {
    ENV_A = "ENVVAR"
    ENV_B = "1"


Secrets can be added by using the env_secret variable:

module "redis" {
  source        = "ballj/postgresql/kubernetes"
  version       = "~> 1.0"
  namespace     = "production"
  object_prefix = "myapp-db"
  env_secret = [
      name   = "ENV_VAR"
      secret = "app-secret"
      key    = "username"


The image must be run with security_context_gid set to 0 otherwise it does not create the database correctly. This looks to be in progress in issue 242.