balopez83 / Surface_Pro_3_Hackintosh

OpenCore based Hackintosh on Surface Pro 3
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iServices (iMessage and FaceTime) not working #24

Closed manuhuerta closed 10 months ago

manuhuerta commented 11 months ago

Hi I upgraded to version 8.0.2 and made sure to log out of all iservices before doing the upgrade but when I installed the new EFI version and turned on my surface, I found that iMessage and FaceTime are not working. It just keeps login in and doesn't complete the login process. I repeated the EFI installation a couple of times making sure always to logout of all iservices and still the same. Everything else seems to be working fine, iCloud, Photos, Notes, etc

Surface Pro 3 i5 8GB RAM Sonoma 14.2 Applied OC post install patch after installation

balopez83 commented 11 months ago

Did you remember to regenerate your new serial information and put it in the config.plist?

The computer version (SMBIOS) changed with the 8.x.x releases so if you're coming from earlier versions you would have needed to generate new serial information.

Make sure you have done that and don't keep trying to sign in too much or Apple will lock your account. If it continues to not work and you have generated and added valid serial information to the config.plist then you may need to reinstall macOS. If Apple locks your account you will need to call them to have it unlocked though that is the least likely issue right now since you say all other iservices are still working

manuhuerta commented 11 months ago

Yes, I did regenerate the SMBIOS using latest GenSMBIOS and updated config.plist accordingl. I used MacBookPro11,1 as suggested.

Will try one more time and if it doesn't work, will try reinstalling macOS.

thanks for the support

balopez83 commented 11 months ago

@manuhuerta sorry for all the headache. I just added instructions on how to clear the iMessage cache in my Quirks and Fixes link on the main readme page; item 6.

Try signing out of iCloud again and follow those steps to clear the cache and restart. After you should be able to sign in. If that doesnt work, the only solution I am aware of is to reinstall the OS unfortunately.

balopez83 commented 11 months ago

To make it easy I pasted the information here:

Open a Finder window and click on your User Name then in a blank area right click and select Show View Options and from the resulting window select Show Library Folder.

Open the newly revealed Library folder and select Caches From the Caches folder delete all files and folders beginning with :

In Finder navigate to Username/Library/Preferences and delete all files and folders beginning with

Empty the Trash and Restart.

manuhuerta commented 11 months ago

@balopez83 did both alternatives, clearing cache/restarting and doing a full clean install and neither of those worked and getting same results of iMessage and FaceTime not allowing me to login. Rest of services work fine

balopez83 commented 11 months ago

@manuhuerta I'm wondering if you have some invalid serial information. Did you validate that the serial information wasn't in use or active in Apple management?

I would try generating new serial information and repeat clearing cache and see if you can get in.

If you still have your old serial information you could revert to the old SMBIOS information and see if that works. You can also send me your current config and I can double check that it looks ok.

manuhuerta commented 11 months ago

@balopez83 Update: If I connect my iPhone via usb cable to tether internet, it works perfectly, I'm able to connect and use iMessage, FaceTime. So seems to be something related when connected via WiFi. I use chris1111 Wireless-USB-OC-Big-Sur-Adapter as suggested in your drivers section.

balopez83 commented 11 months ago

@manuhuerta well that is extremely odd. And the WiFi is actually working when not tethered? Does iMessage continue to work after you unplug and stop tethering?

I can't really think of any reason that would happen at all except if your computer still has something off and perhaps if Ethernet spoofing got messed up or if it was a bad serial number.

Ethernet spoofing with the nullethernet kext along with its ssdt should just work so that seems unlikely so I am really at a loss on this one.

Did you try to get new serial information yet in case you might have had an invalid serial number that might have actually been registered either by a live computer or by a company?

Are you using an Ethernet adapter connected at the same time even if you're not using it when you use WiFi? If you are that might be doing something weird and causing iMessage to invalidate which then might allow the tethering to override.

Grasping at straws on this one cause it doesn't really make sense if the serials are good.

balopez83 commented 10 months ago

@manuhuerta were you able to figure this out?

balopez83 commented 10 months ago

@manuhuerta Assuming this has been resolved. Closing this issue. If you need additional assistance with this issue please reopen.